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How much do you know about the dangers of staying up late?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

How much do you know about the dangers of staying up late?
Now there are many people who are in poor health. When some people ask questions, they will feel a lot of physical discomfort, and even fill a manuscript paper. There are various reasons for this, but many people have insufficient rest.

I remember a friend who was a man, a corporate executive, with serious physical disorders and often felt exhausted. I think his body, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, has a physical disorder, but no matter what medicine he takes, he can't recover from his daily fatigue.

Therefore, I suggested that he should not rest during the day, but keep busy and feel tired, and then go to bed at seven o'clock every night and sleep until seven o'clock in the morning. , maintain adequate sleep. Wait for the body to recover, and then resume normal sleep every day.

As a result, three days later, he said that his body had improved significantly, and he felt like he was "reborn".

So what exactly is this?

The reason is: modern people lack sleep and lack too much sleep. This state of lack of sleep is even our normal life. We are accustomed to this now, but we don't know that it is very harmful to our health.

This is an invisible enemy that endangers health, we must be vigilant!

So why is sleep so important? Is this a cliché?

The ancients believed that man and nature are a whole, so the yang qi of the human body also grows and declines with the yin and yang of nature, and there is a daily rhythmic movement of ebb and flow, as stated in "Lingshu Shunqi A Day Divided into Four Seasons":

"Spring is born, summer is long, autumn is harvested, and winter is stored. These are the constants of qi, and people also respond to them. A day is divided into four o'clock. The morning is spring, the middle of the day is summer, the sun is autumn, and the middle of the night is winter."

This is the basis for the difference in human behavior between day and night, as stated in "Lingshu·Kouwen":

"When yang qi is exhausted and yin qi is strong, the eyes will be closed; when yin qi is exhausted and yang qi is strong, the eyes will be dull."

Moreover, the "Huangdi Neijing" believes that the Wei Qi in the human body operates in Yang and Yin, which is also reflected in waking and sleeping, as stated in "Lingshu·Kouwen":

"Wei Qi moves in Yang during the day, and in Yin at midnight. The Yin dominates the night, and the Night lies down; the Yang dominates the upper, and the Yin dominates the lower; therefore, the Yin Qi accumulates below, and the Yang Qi is not exhausted, and the Yang leads upward. , yin leads downward, yin and yang lead each other, so the number is short."

"Lingshu·Ying Health Association" also said:

"The battalion is in the meridian, the guard is outside the meridian, the camp is endless, and the meeting is repeated at fifty degrees. The yin and yang are intertwined, like a ring without reason. The Wei Qi travels at the twenty-five degrees of yin, and travels at the twenty-five degrees of yang, divided into Day and night, so qi rises when it reaches yang and ends when it reaches yin."

Therefore, the ancients believed that whether we sleep or not is determined by the law of the growth and decline of yin and yang in nature. At night, yang qi enters the body, allowing us to rest and prepare for the next day's hair growth.
So, what part of our body is damaged by lack of sleep, or lack of sleep?

1. Damage Yang Qi

During the day, we consume yang qi, and at night yang qi enters the body, gets the conservation of yin qi, and then prepares for hair growth the next day. However, if we lack sleep for a long time and Yang Qi cannot be recuperated, it will be depleted more and more. Therefore, people with insufficient Yang Qi are prone to sleepiness during the day. And people who don't rest all night will definitely have less and less yang energy during the day, and will lack vitality. Children who lack sleep will have stunted growth and slow growth, and adults who lack sleep will age quickly.

2. It will consume yin essence

Depletion of energy is another consequence of lack of sleep. That day a man asked us about our physical problems. I judged that it was due to insufficient kidney essence. He replied, "Why do I have insufficient kidney essence? I have been away from sexual desire for a long time?" I told him that the consumption of kidney essence, in addition to Sexual indulgence, there is also staying up late and thinking too much. Staying up late makes the body unable to get rest, and must use vitality and kidney essence to maintain it, so it will secretly consume kidney essence, resulting in increasingly scarce kidney essence. Now I often use Yinhuo Decoction to treat various heat syndromes, the root cause of which is the deficiency of kidney essence in many people.

3. Consume Yin and Qi

People who stay up late for a long time will consume kidney essence and heart energy on the one hand. The heart governs the gods and is the official of the monarch. They work hard during the day and rely on Yin blood to nourish and replenish at night, and do a good job of rest. However, people who stay up late make the heart work day and night, so they will not be able to rest, and eventually problems will occur. There used to be a business school. For two consecutive years, an entrepreneur student died every year, all of which were sudden deaths caused by the heart. All died in motion. I asked their teachers what they were doing in the days before their death. The answer was that they all died when the company was about to go public. On the first night of the death, they were all socializing until late at night. This is the answer. If you are tired all day long, your heart cannot rest, and after late night socializing, if you exercise strenuously during the day, your heart will be overwhelmed.

4. Damage the liver

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when you lie down at night, the blood will return to the liver. This means that at night, the essence of the blood will return to the liver for rest. Only when the liver has blood can it maintain its normal function. Therefore, in the Meridian Liuzhu theory of traditional Chinese medicine, midnight is the time when the liver and gallbladder meridian is in order. If we do not rest at this time, the blood will not be able to recuperate, and it will also affect the function of the liver.

In short, Chinese medicine believes that human beings are a whole. If one organ is not rested, the whole body will actually be abnormal.

In foreign countries, a lot of research on sleep has also been carried out. In the sleep laboratory, the researchers tried to prevent the subjects from entering sleep for several days. As a result, the subjects complained of dizziness, inability to concentrate, and obvious memory Decreased, emotional irritability, easy to lose temper, dull and confused expression, sometimes even depressed, depressed, suicidal thoughts appear. Individuals may also have hallucinations, such as hearing others talking to him, seeing strange things, etc., sometimes appearing suspicious, sensitive, and always suspicious that others want to harm him, etc., which are very similar to mental illness.

Recently, the latest research results have revealed that sleep is the time for the brain to clean up waste. It turns out that when we think during the day, the brain produces a lot of waste. At night, the brain cells discharge these wastes outside the cells, and the cerebrospinal fluid begins to circulate. , to clear the waste out of the brain. I think this research is more reasonable, which can explain why if we don't sleep, we will feel dizzy, because there is too much waste in the brain.

In fact, if you don't sleep continuously, the most serious consequence will be death.

My long-term observation is like this. Sleeping at night is when the body repairs itself. I discovered this phenomenon very early. I also took the medicine during the day, and it is rare to see immediate recovery. But taking medicine at night and sleeping overnight, As long as the medicine is symptomatic, the patient will be significantly improved the next morning, regardless of whether it is medical or surgical treatment.

Therefore, for some medicines, I let patients take them during the day for maintenance, and what I like most is the medicine taken at night. Sometimes, whether the medicine is symptomatic or not, I just watch for one day, take it at night, and if it works in the morning, I will judge it as symptomatic. If there is no change in the morning, I will start to rethink.

Therefore, there is a saying in Li Yu's Collected Works of Li Weng in the Qing Dynasty:

"The key to health preservation is to put sleep first. Sleep can restore energy, nourish qi, invigorate spleen and stomach, and strengthen bones and tendons."

It can be seen that good sleep can eliminate general fatigue, rest brain nerves, endocrine, substance metabolism, cardiovascular activity, digestive function, respiratory function, etc., promote the growth and development of body tissues and self-repair, enhance immune function, and improve disease resistance. Resistance, which is crucial to health preservation.

However, the life of modern people runs counter to this. We have become accustomed to delaying the time of sleep a little bit. I started looking at Moments on my phone again, concerned about what everyone ate and where they went to play, but ended up staying up all night again.

In my circle of friends, I often see people who still send WeChat messages at two or three in the morning, which deviates from healthy habits.

Especially today’s children, frankly speaking, young people nowadays stay up late since middle school, for their studies when they were young, and to follow dramas after they go to college. Young people often say that they will watch a TV series, watch Just one night. Now, among the young people I have met, those who can maintain normal sleep are very rare.

The ancients worked at sunrise and rested at sunset, but now such people are rare in rural areas, I guess.

Let me be a little more serious. In fact, lack of sleep is an important basic reason among the illnesses of many people in poor health.

So, how much sleep is good for?

My point of view is: for ordinary adults, it is best to keep eight hours of sleep. If you are in the body conditioning stage, you can keep nine hours of sleep. very important.

Some friends said, I have insomnia, what should I do if I can't fall asleep? I have talked about many articles on insomnia, you can learn from it, adjust yourself, and then sleep well.
Some friends said, I am so busy at work, how can I have time to sleep?

I can’t answer this question. I’m just talking about my point of view. Earning more money and being promoted to a higher level of government are actually not that important, but lack of health and lack of health are the most important big problems. .

Some people say that sleeping for so long is a waste of life.

In fact, I think that lying in the warm bed and having a good sleep on a sunny summer afternoon, or in heavy rain outside, is also enjoying life.
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