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Hot weather, so use the air conditioner to avoid getting sick

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Hot weather, so use the air conditioner to avoid getting sick
Recently, the whole country has entered a state of high temperature. The temperature in many places is 35 degrees. Whenever the heat wave rolls in, people like the air conditioner most. It will be very comfortable to blow the cool wind at this time! However, there are countless people who get sick because of air conditioning every summer. So, how to use the air conditioner? Let me offer my little suggestion.

First of all, does the air conditioner bring us convenience?

I think yes, in the hot summer days in the past, the high temperature in many places would reach 40 degrees, which is tolerable for ordinary people, but some frail elderly people will indeed have problems, some suffer from heat stroke, and even endanger life. Therefore, using the air conditioner to cool down at this time can help the human body to tide over the difficulties. Therefore, I also object to the view that the air conditioner is useless. Moreover, almost every household has an air conditioner, which is already a big trend. The key is how to make good use of it.

So, what is the problem that air conditioning brings us?

It is a small environment that does not match nature at all.

At this time, the whole world is hot, and our bodies have adapted to this rhythm. Once summer arrives, whether it is the intensity of sunlight or the duration of sunshine, it will remind our bodies to change. Don’t underestimate the reminder information of this environment. , Many animals can feel it. For example, hibernating animals will wake up when the time comes. This is how the body feels about nature. You can’t explain it clearly. There are too subtle evolved receptors in it.

At this time, the pores of our body begin to open, and the interstitial lines of the skin begin to loosen. According to Chinese medicine, the Yang Qi is outside. Especially when you are shopping outside and sweating profusely from the sun, you suddenly enter the air-conditioned room, and the air-conditioning is overwhelming. Tell me, what kind of reaction do you plan to make your skin do?

The inside of the body is still sweating outward at this time, but the surface of the skin is covered with cold air. Wouldn't this cause a disorder in the body? The sweat that is about to be discharged is blocked near the body surface, which is very abnormal, so many people suffer from skin diseases.

In summer, some people who are sweating profusely enter the air-conditioned room and soon develop hives. Some children suffer from severe eczema after a long period of time. Such cases are especially common in Singapore. The reasons for the illness , that's it.

At this time, the pores are originally open, and suddenly the cold air hits, so it is easy for the wind and cold to enter the body. Therefore, people who are blown by the cold wind and suffer from wind-cold cold are also numerous every summer.

So, what should we do at this time?

I think that when you are sweating profusely outside, the best way to enter an air-conditioned room is to stand near the door and let yourself accept the cold wind, and then touch your body with your hands to stimulate the skin and let it cool down. Pores are adjusted and closed as much as possible. After a while, when the body is slightly adapted to the air conditioner, it is best to enter the room again.

Another problem is that when you are sweating profusely, your clothes will be wet. Entering the air-conditioning at this time will lead to the invasion of cold and damp. Therefore, a better method is to prepare a dry towel or handkerchief. When sleeping, put a dry towel inside the clothes and stick it on the back, so that the wet clothes are no longer directly attached to the skin, which also has a protective effect on the body.

Another problem with air conditioning is that it can cause local low temperatures.

For example, if the air conditioner blows on oneself, especially on a part of the body, it will cause uneven body temperature and disorder of self-regulation.

How do I talk about this matter?

For example, drinking cold drinks before, this causes local (stomach) low temperature, so that when Qi and blood flow here, it will stagnate and be blocked, and various diseases will appear. A lot of people don't understand this concept, and that's because the hypothermia in your stomach is invisible to you, it's internal. If you want to lift the bar, you can do an experiment: sunbathe outside, sweat profusely, and then put the elbows of your arms in ice water for half an hour. What problems do you say will arise? This kind of back and forth experimentation, no matter how anti-Chinese medicine people, will also have the problem of joint pain. This is the body's reaction. Traditional Chinese medicine says it's local qi and blood stagnation. Western medicine says it's an immune response. However, something will definitely go wrong.

Therefore, we must remember, try not to let the air conditioner blow directly on yourself, especially a certain part of the body. I remember when I was young, for a few days, I was sitting directly facing the door, and above the door was the air-conditioning air-conditioning. The air-conditioning went along the roof, reached the wall behind me, and came down directly, blowing my shoulders. As a result, after a few days, my shoulders hurt unbearably, especially at night, and I couldn't sleep all night. After careful consideration, I discovered the reason. I was still young at the time, and I was not so sensitive to the surrounding environment, so it caused problems in my body.

In the same way, many friends now sleep at night and cannot fall asleep without an air conditioner. As a result, the air conditioner is on top of their heads, blowing directly on themselves. May I ask, how many people do you know who are blown like this? I believe that everyone will have heard friends tell about such an experience: the air conditioner was blown to sleep last night.

At this time, my suggestion is: blow the indirect air conditioner.

In the hot summer, forty degrees, without air-conditioning, it is really difficult to fall asleep. The same is true for me. On days without air-conditioning, I often toss and turn. I don’t sit quietly for a while like those masters. I haven't reached that level yet. I basically don't turn on the air conditioner in normal weather, but I also turn it on when it's too hot. So how do I use the air conditioner? It is to turn on the air conditioner in the hall, turn on the smallest wind speed, and then open the door of the bedroom, so that the cold air of the air conditioner will have no strength when it reaches your bedroom, but only a little cool, so that it will never blow to your bedroom. you.
The biggest problem with the air conditioner is that the cold wind is "blown". This is a typical wind chill pattern. The closer the air conditioner is to the air outlet, the stronger the wind will be. We use the air conditioner indirectly to feel the air-conditioning in the adjacent room, which can remove the "wind" factor and leave only a little bit of coolness, which is acceptable to us.
Okay, dear friends, this is my thinking on the air conditioner. My point of view is: the air conditioner is a double-edged sword. Generally speaking, it is better not to use it if the temperature exceeds our tolerance. degree, with which we can tide over difficulties. However, we need to remind everyone that:

Once you are blown by the cold air from the air conditioner, don’t hesitate to drink some perilla leaf water or ginger candy to warm your body, or even go outside and let the sun sweat yourself. It’s a good way , You can avoid further injury to your body.
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