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Healthy poop will cure diseases - another talk about intestinal flora transplantation

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

Healthy poop will cure diseases - another talk about intestinal flora transplantation
In yesterday's article, I introduced the relationship between intestinal flora and our body. It is now basically recognized that the intestinal flora is an important part of our body and can even be regarded as an organ. They affect our bodies in various ways and even affect our emotions to a great extent.

However, the biggest problem now is that in our modern society, there are too many opportunities for intestinal flora to be destroyed!

Among them, the most important one is the abuse of antibiotics.

More and more studies have shown that antibiotics have a profound impact on human microbes, especially gut microbes. While killing harmful bacteria, antibiotics will also kill beneficial bacteria. Therefore, antibiotics will seriously damage the intestinal flora environment and lead to intestinal flora disorder. [Master Yun said casually: I used so many antibiotics when I had fevers and colds when I was a child, and now I tremble just thinking about it]

However, antibiotic abuse is common in our daily lives. Many parents of children believe that antibiotics are the only treatment after their children catch a cold, so they beg doctors to prescribe antibiotics. In addition, what is more serious is that farmers use a large amount of antibiotics in animal breeding to reduce the occurrence of livestock diseases. As a result, these antibiotics are left in meat products, and humans who eat meat are also deeply affected. [Master Yun muttered: I just want to eat some meat pictures in peace...]

Through clinical and epidemiological research and observation of children, too much evidence shows that the abuse of antibiotics will cause children to suffer from obesity, type I and type II diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, allergies and asthma, autism, etc. Increased risk of diseases such as

Why does overuse of antibiotics make children more susceptible to these diseases?

Animal studies show that the effect of antibiotics on these diseases is not a simple correlation but a cause-and-effect relationship. In studies on mice, it was found that antibiotics disrupt the development of microorganisms, leading to a loss of flora diversity, which can eventually lead to obesity and metabolic disorders, affecting bone growth, and normal immune development.

In addition, for example, there are too many additives in food, many of which can lead to the disorder of intestinal flora. In short, there are many reasons for the disorder of our intestinal flora in modern society, and the diseases caused by this are also unexpected.

So, how to change this situation?

A very creative method is to transplant intestinal flora from healthy people into sick patients. Our feces contains a large amount of intestinal flora. Therefore, the utilization of feces has become a hot topic in the international medical community.

In fact, the earliest record of treating diseases with feces is now recognized worldwide, and it was left by the Chinese. In Ge Hong's "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescription", there is a related record. When treating exogenous diseases, you can "wring the feces juice, If you drink up to one or two liters of it, it is called Huanglong Decoction. It is better if it is aged for a long time." This is the earliest record of using feces to treat diseases in the world. There is a medicine called "golden juice" in later generations of traditional Chinese medicine, which is to use the feces of boys in their teens to reconcile spring water, put it in a jar, and bury it in the ground. After more than ten years, it is taken out. It is crystal clear and tasteless. You can drink some if you have the plague. The Huaqiao Palace in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, used to make golden juice every year. If a child had a cold or fever, he would ask for a cup. Drinking it would relieve the fever. It is said that the last batch was produced in 1973, and then there were no more.

This golden juice has become the handle of traditional Chinese medicine to attack Chinese medicine, saying that Chinese medicine is unscientific, disgusting, and ignorant, saying that these bacteria are in the stomach and will be killed by gastric acid, so there is no therapeutic effect.

However, they have overlooked a problem here. I think ordinary people have normal gastric acid secretion, which can kill these bacteria. Normally, for example, gastric acid may have been secreted very little, so it is indeed possible for a large amount of bacteria to enter the intestines. This is an issue that traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have not considered. The ancients were able to treat diseases with this method. Although they did not realize that it was re-establishing the intestinal flora environment for the patient, it had this effect. In those days, this was rare. However, I have never argued with these shady Chinese medicine practitioners on this matter. It wasn't until foreigners started using feces to treat illnesses that these people started to shut up.

Intestinal flora transplantation has been extensively studied abroad.

Let’s take an example from an American citizen.

There was a couple, the husband was John, and his wife was Catherine Duff. The wife suffered from an incurable form of diarrhea called pseudomembranous colitis. The disease is caused by an infection called Clostridium difficile, which kills 14,000 people in the United States each year. This disease is basically caused by the imbalance of intestinal flora caused by the frequent use of antibiotics.

The wife was 56 years old at the time. She was losing weight due to severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and was trapped at home all day long. The cause of her illness was that the bacteria that maintained the ecological balance of Duff's intestine were wiped out in large numbers due to the long-term use of antibiotics. Clostridium difficile took advantage of the weak point and multiplied in her intestines, causing serious diseases.

In 2012, Duff's disease became so severe that doctors recommended that she need to remove her large intestine to save her life. As a result, she saw on the Internet that there were doctors in Australia who used the method of transplanting intestinal flora from healthy people to treat this disease.

But because it is more expensive to go to Australia for medical treatment, I started to ask American doctors, but no one in the United States did this kind of treatment, so the couple began to think about treating the disease themselves.

Therefore, this husband felt that his body was relatively healthy. After giving himself a physical examination, he began a bold attempt to mash his own poop into a paste with a blender like juice, and then mixed it with normal saline , and then give his wife an enema!

The results of it? The husband's intestinal flora began to multiply in her wife's intestines, and after only one enema, the wife's fatal pseudomembranous colitis was cured! [Master Yun muttered: Congratulations to this lady! Although I am still very concerned about the picture of what happened to the blender...]

Later, clinical studies all over the world showed that 90% of patients with this type of pseudomembranous colitis were basically cured after transplantation of intestinal flora.

This example of the husband saving his wife is the real-life version of me being the god of medicine! Very touching.

Of course, we would like to remind everyone that we do not advocate this method of self-enema, because after all, there is the possibility of other bacterial infections.

After such cases, the medical community began to reflect.

As a result, the United States has now become a major country in intestinal flora transplantation, and its research results rank first in the world.

Then, our research in China also began to be carried out in full swing. Many famous hospitals joined the clinical research, and our research results were also spectacular.

Now, this method has shown great advantages in treating various complex intestinal diseases, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, especially severe cases, and in the treatment of mental and psychological diseases, such as depression and autism. This method is also very effective in the treatment of disease.

So, what are the things worth thinking about in this method?

🔹 1. Screening of flora providers.

That is to say, the person who provides poop must be a very healthy person. This is contrary to what we think, just asking family members to provide poop and transplant can be done. This is not possible because if the person providing the poop has any underlying disease, the disease will be aggravated. Therefore, hospitals now screen poop providers. , is very strict. Generally, they are college students who have gone through various physical examinations to confirm that they are completely healthy, and then have a prescribed diet, work and rest routine. The kind of people who barbecue skewers at night are absolutely useless. In this way, many people were screened out, and the final ones selected were absolutely unique. Then every time before giving stool, a blood test is required to see if there is any acute infection, such as cold and enteritis, etc., and then the stool can be given. Just maintaining the living environment of these people is expensive.

Therefore, it is a problem if a provider of such a standard is developed. I believe that in the future there may be an industry where people are born with good physical endowments, have regular work and rest schedules, and eat clean food. Then their job is to do physical examinations every day and then provide poop. How is this working?

Now, there are poop banks abroad, which freeze and preserve this high-quality poop.

One more thing, research shows that children's poop is not the best choice because the bacterial flora is not rich enough. But young people's best.

🔹 2. How to reduce the cost of machines for isolating bacteria.

Intestinal flora transplantation does not involve pouring poop directly (of course, some people do this). In most cases, it is stirred, separated, and filtered by a machine. The final product is a liquid containing flora, which is colorless and odorless. Then it is poured through two channels of gastroscope and colonoscope. The ubiquity of such devices is important. Many friends will look forward to this treatment method after reading my introduction. However, to be honest, the cost is still very high now. It is generally used to treat critically ill patients. For example, after various rescues, the patient's intestinal environment collapses and his life is in danger. Yes, only a small portion is used for common diseases, and the cost is high. However, it is believed that with the addition of a large number of hospitals, this cost will decrease.

I believe that in the future, this method will move from the treatment field to the health care field. For sub-healthy people, the method of transplanting healthy intestinal flora will be used to make the body healthier.

🔹 3. The relationship between intestinal flora and TCM regulating spleen.

This is my thinking. The intestinal flora is an important part of digesting food, so it should be said that it overlaps with the functions of the spleen and large intestine in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, I think the function of the intestinal flora is part of the function of the spleen and large intestine. If I have time, I will carefully write about the content of this theory, and give some clarification, which is beneficial to the development of TCM theory.

I think that our traditional spleen-tonifying drugs in traditional Chinese medicine, such as Chinese yam, atractylodes, lotus seed meat, etc., are likely to have a partial effect. Note that I am talking about a partial effect, which is to promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and provide them with It provides the environment or food for growth, thus playing a role in nourishing the spleen.

Some drugs that clear away dampness and heat, such as coptis, Phellodendron, and Pulsatilla, may work by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and changing the intestinal flora environment. This is why I have written before that why berberine hydrochloride, which is what we usually call berberine, can control blood lipids and blood sugar is by adjusting intestinal flora. Because the intestinal flora can affect blood lipids and blood sugar.

I think that traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes the spleen induces the growth of beneficial bacteria, while traditional Chinese medicine that clears away dampness and heat induces the apoptosis of harmful bacteria, thereby establishing a good intestinal flora environment. This is an interesting perspective. This should be part of the content of traditional Chinese medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach (note, I said part of the content, not all of it)!

Of course, the mechanism still needs to be studied, which is basically a blank field with a lot of room for research.

I will pay more attention to the research in this area and will participate in the discussion.

🔹 4. The relationship between intestinal flora and TCM constitution.

An important problem with intestinal flora transplantation is that after transplantation, the initial effect is often very good. However, some patients will relapse after a period of time, why? It is whether these flora can survive in the body of the new host.

The focus of our current research is on how intestinal flora affects our bodies, but other problems in our bodies can also affect the survival of intestinal flora. Therefore, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the results of transplanting flora will be different for various constitutions.

Therefore, how Chinese medicine regulates the patient's physique and provides a living environment for the intestinal flora is a topic.

Or, the intestinal flora itself is involved in the composition of our body. We study how traditional Chinese medicine can play a role by adjusting the flora. This is also a brand-new topic.

Now I am observing the fermentation of spleen-tonifying traditional Chinese medicine to make enzymes, and then give them to patients after intestinal flora transplantation to observe the survival of their flora. My friend's company, a listed company in Guangzhou, is doing this. Currently, I see The effect is good.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a lot of experience in regulating the spleen and stomach. If we study these contents in conjunction with intestinal flora, we will find more interesting contents. I think this is very helpful for our understanding of the human body.

Research on intestinal flora will definitely lead to a Nobel Prize. This is globally recognized. It just depends on who gets it when and when. The previous Nobel Prize-winning artemisinin is the same as Ge Hong’s "Emergency Prescription". "Relevant. If this is used again, it will be the method recorded by Ge Hong. However, whether it is still related to traditional Chinese medicine this time will require everyone's efforts. I am not a researcher doing experiments, I am engaged in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. However, I am willing to analyze the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and intestinal flora transplantation from a theoretical perspective and provide it to researchers.

It is estimated that after writing this, some people will accuse me of being a "pseudo-Chinese medicine". Why use intestinal flora to discuss Chinese medicine? Chinese medicine does not need it. Chinese medicine only needs to study ancient times! Hmph, pseudo-Chinese medicine!

However, I don't really care about that.

I feel that as long as it is good for patients, I will pay attention to it, discuss it, and introduce it to everyone, like those autistic children, like my friend with depression, whose condition has improved after microbiota transplantation. Isn't this a good thing? Wouldn't it be better to combine the theories of traditional Chinese medicine to improve its curative effect?

Well, this method, I will introduce it here temporarily. In fact, there are too many contents in it, and I will introduce more to you in the future.

Again, this method should be used by regular hospitals, don't try it at home!
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