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Foot soaking formula for treating thyroid nodules

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Foot soaking formula for treating thyroid nodules
Now the incidence rate of thyroid nodules is very high, and a unit of physical examination will often find out that many people suffer from this disease.

Thyroid nodules are lumps in the thyroid that move up and down with the thyroid when swallowing. Clinically, there are many thyroid diseases, such as thyroid degeneration, inflammation, autoimmunity, and hyperplasia, which can all be manifested as nodules. Thyroid nodules can be single or multiple. The incidence of multiple nodules is higher than that of single nodules, but the incidence of thyroid cancer in single nodules is higher.

In the pathogenesis of thyroid nodules, iodine intake disorder is an important reason. Nowadays, people eat a lot of seafood, which is caused by environmental changes.

In addition to the reason of iodine intake, I have observed that emotions have a greater impact on this disease, and the discomfort of liver qi has a particularly large impact on women.

The reason why I found that this disease is closely related to the discomfort of liver qi is that I have observed some cases. I remember that when I was studying for a Ph.D. at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I went to a friend’s house. He worked in CCTV and his wife had this disease. After I observed it, I felt that the disease must be related to her frequent anger.

Because I found that her child is very playful, doesn't like to study, and she is very strong, so she said that she was very angry every day, and it lasted for several years.

Based on this situation, I judged that her illness is caused by frequent anger.

In fact, all this anger was unnecessary, because in the end, the child did very well in the college entrance examination, and all this anger was for nothing.

Later, I continued to observe and found that the vast majority of people with thyroid nodules had a lot of work pressure, or had a particularly strong personality, love to get angry, and often have troubles in their hearts.

Therefore, if you confirm that you are under a lot of pressure and in a bad mood, you can use the method of soothing the liver and regulating qi to treat the disease.

Here, I will introduce to you a prescription called Gardenia Qinggan Powder.

This prescription is in a medical book "Baoying Summary" in the Ming Dynasty. The author of this book is Xue Kai. Xue Kai is from Wu County, Jiangsu, which is today's Wuzhong District in Suzhou. He was born in a medical family with a long history of family education. Proficient in medical books and familiar with medical principles, he was recruited as a doctor in the Taiyuan Hospital as a famous doctor, and was later given to the hospital envoy (the hospital envoy is the president of the Taiyuan Hospital). Xue Kai is good at pediatrics, and he is the author of "Baoying Summary" and other books that are well-known in the world.

As for Xue Kai, there is a famous son named Xue Lizhai, who is a great doctor I wrote about and the director of Tai Hospital. He inherited his father's knowledge and has great medical skills. His father's book was compiled by Xue Lizhai, and the content written by Xue Lizhai was also included in the book. In Xue Lizhai's other books, there is also this prescription.

If you are interested, you can read his story in my book.

In ancient books, the prescription of Zhizi Qinggan Powder is as follows:

Seven points of bupleurum, seven points of gardenia (fried), seven points of peony bark, seven points of poria, seven points of Chuanxiong, seven points of peony (fried), seven points of angelica, seven points of burdock (fried), and two points of licorice.

This prescription is used to treat: children with wind-heat in Sanjiao and Foot-Shaoyang Meridian, sores in ears with itching, or pain with water discharge, or fever.

I adapted this prescription into a foot-soaking prescription, which was written in my book "Illustrated Tongue Diagnosis". The recipe is basically the original one, with the addition of turmeric and polygala, and the weight is changed to six grams, which becomes:

Six grams of bupleurum, six grams of fried gardenia, six grams of paeonol, six grams of Cyperus, six grams of angelica, six grams of Chuanxiong, nine grams of white peony, twenty grams of poria, six grams of turmeric, and six grams of polygala. If the anger is greater, you can add 6 grams of burdock seed and 6 grams of Prunella vulgaris.

How to do it: Boil water, mix the concoction with warm water to soak your feet, preferably twice a day, for about 20 minutes each time, until the ankles are covered with water.

In this prescription, Bupleurum soothes the liver; fried gardenia can purify the heart fire and clear the fire of the triple burner; paeonol soothes the liver qi, and has a strong power to purify the liver fire; Cyperus cyperi regulates qi; angelica nourishes blood ; Paeoniae Alba to soften the liver and restrain yin;

This prescription is very simple, it is a prescription for nourishing blood and soothing the liver, regulating qi and dredging collaterals. The way I use this prescription is to soak my feet and absorb it through the skin, so that the medicine enters the meridians. Of course, if the condition is serious, you can drink a little bit, but if you want to drink, you need to ask a local doctor to help judge, and add or subtract according to your physical fitness. Pregnant women should not use it.

I have been introducing this prescription to friends with thyroid nodules. The method of soaking feet is easier for everyone to accept. If it is indeed a nodule caused by liver qi discomfort, you can use this prescription to assist in conditioning while actively treating it. According to my observation, this prescription has a better effect on nodules caused by liver qi discomfort and mood, but has no clear effect on nodules caused by iodine intake disorders.

medical case 1

My mother had thyroid nodules, and there were five in total. After the examination, the old lady was terrified, and she was always worried that it would develop into a tumor, and she was in constant panic.

At that time, Western medicine advocated excision, and I said let me use traditional Chinese medicine to remove it. At that time, the professor of Western medicine was my friend, and said: "It must not be removed. I have been a doctor for so many years. Except for surgical resection, there is no thyroid nodule that can be removed with drugs." Moreover, the doctor friend said that if you can really do it Let's get rid of it, we will jointly write a paper, which can be published in professional journals. And I said that the method of soothing the liver qi should be able to dissolve the thyroid nodules. As a result, under my treatment, all of my mother's thyroid nodules disappeared.

medical case 2
Another time, a magazine interviewed me, and then the editor-in-chief of the magazine said that she had this disease, so I introduced this prescription. She used it for a while, and suddenly one day, she called me and said that she had just passed out. At the gate of the hospital, the examination found that the nodules disappeared, and I was very happy.

There are still some such examples. Therefore, for friends who have thyroid nodules detected, they should analyze their own conditions. My experience is that this disease should be taken seriously, because a small number of patients will get worse, and men If you suffer from this disease, you should pay more attention to it. Generally, Western medicine recommends surgery for this disease. If the disease develops rapidly and there is a risk of malignant transformation, I am not opposed to surgery. However, for those whose development is relatively stable at present, the method of traditional Chinese medicine can also be used to soothe the liver and relieve depression first, and see how the effect is.

There is no certain formula in this world, but if it is right, it will definitely be effective.

The ancients had many good prescriptions, which have new uses today. If we can in-depth study and experience, and apply them according to the characteristics of syndromes, wouldn’t it be possible to benefit the society and reduce the suffering of all beings?
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