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Emergency mobilization during influenza: Lianhua Qingwen Capsules

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Emergency mobilization during influenza: Lianhua Qingwen Capsules
At present, influenza has attracted widespread attention because too many people have been infected. When I go out to do errands and walk on the streets and shopping malls, I can hear sneezing almost everywhere. Many hospitals are overcrowded. At this time, we should do health communication Those who work must mobilize with all their strength and give everyone some guidance and suggestions.

The focus of my work has always been on the initial stage of influenza. I think that as long as we grasp the initial stage, we can solve the problem without even using drugs. We basically use diet therapy, massage, moxibustion and other methods.

However, the question is, if we miss this stage and cause external evils to enter the body, how should we deal with it?

At this time, in most cases, it is what we usually call "cold outside and hot inside", which is commonly known as "cold fire".

This is the stage when most people notice that they have a cold. Generally, we are not trained in the first stage and may not know that we are in danger. By the time a problem occurs, it is actually the stage when the outside is cold and the inside is hot.

For this stage, we have introduced many Chinese patent medicines. The one we introduce today is Lianhua Qingwen Capsules.

This Lianhua Qingwen capsule is produced by Hebei Yiling Pharmaceutical. Yiling Pharmaceutical is a company founded by Academician Wu Yiling. Its biggest feature is that it integrates industry, academia and research, with a medical school, a clinical hospital and a pharmaceutical factory. This mutually supporting structure ensures that the company has strong research and development capabilities. Their most famous product is Tongxinluo capsules. When I first started studying for a doctorate, a friend in their company suggested that I could do their colloidal disease project. Later, because my supervisor’s main focus was tongue diagnosis, I did not contact their company, but now that I think about it, I , the research on collateral diseases and tongue diagnosis is actually quite promising.

Okay, no more chatting.

So, what are the ingredients in this Lianhua Qingwen capsule?

What does it do?

The main function of Lianhua Qingwen Capsules is to clear away the disease, detoxify, relieve the lungs and relieve heat. It is mainly used to treat influenza, which is characterized by heat poison attacking the lungs. The specific symptoms are: fever or high fever, aversion to cold, muscle aches, nasal congestion and runny nose, cough, headache, dry and sore throat, red tongue, yellow or yellow coating. Tired of waiting.

The ingredients in this recipe are:

Forsythia, honeysuckle, ephedra, fried bitter almond, gypsum, isatis root, Mianma Guanzhong, Houttuynia cordata, patchouli, rhubarb, rhodiola, mint, licorice.

So, what is the secret of this recipe?

First of all, this is a flavored recipe of a famous Chinese medicine recipe: Maxing Shigan Decoction. In this way, its background is huge.

Why do you say that? Because this Maxing Shigan Decoction is a prescription given by Zhang Zhongjing in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". It is a very important prescription. It is specially used to treat asthma caused by wind-heat attacking the lungs, or wind-cold depression turning into heat and blocking the lungs. disease. The original text of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" says: "After sweating, you should not take Guizhi Decoction. If you are sweating and breathing without severe fever, you can take Ephedra, Almond, Licorice and Gypsum Decoction." Because the heat in the lungs is excessive and the qi inversion damages the body fluids, there is Sweating and unresolved body heat, wheezing and shortness of breath, and even flaring of the nose, thirst and a desire to drink, and a slippery and rapid pulse.

At this time, you should quickly open up the lung qi and clear away the lung heat. The heat will clear the qi and relieve asthma and thirst. Therefore, ephedra is used as the king. On the one hand, ephedra can dispel external cold, and at the same time, it can relieve the lungs and release evil heat. It means opening the window, which means "the stagnation of fire is released". At the same time, the Xingan Dahan gypsum is used as a ministerial drug, and the dosage is twice that of ephedra to eliminate internal heat. Almonds lower lung qi and are used as adjuvants to help ephedra and gypsum clear the lungs and relieve asthma. Zhigancao and Zhong.

At that time, this prescription was used to treat asthma caused by heat blocking the lungs caused by external evils. However, it became more and more widely used in later generations. Now it is mostly used to treat various pulmonary infections with excellent results. In many cases now, we will prescribe this prescription directly. As long as it is symptomatic, it will have an immediate effect.

Moreover, I think the most important thing is that this prescription has opened up a very big idea, that is, in one prescription, one group of soldiers and horses are used to dispel external cold, and another group of soldiers and horses are used to clear away internal heat. This is a two-pronged approach. I think most of the Chinese patent medicines used to treat colds now use this idea.

This idea is of great significance. It allows us to have a particularly effective way to treat symptoms of cold outside and heat inside. Therefore, based on this idea, later generations of doctors weighed the severity of cold and heat, either with greater power to dispel cold and less power to clear heat, such as the cold-clearing and heat-clearing granules of Tong Ren Tang that we often use; or with less power to dispel cold. , but it has greater heat-clearing power, such as the Lianhua Qingwen capsule introduced today.

This idea is also widely used when prescribing prescriptions. For example, Zhang Xichun, a famous doctor in the Republic of China, increased the amount of gypsum to ten times that of ephedra to treat febrile diseases. Zhang Xichun believed that this prescription was for the treatment of febrile diseases.

So I say that this idea opens up a great method. Let’s take a look at the Lianhua Qingwen Capsules introduced today——

Lianhua Qingwen Capsules

Lianhua Qingwen Capsule is based on Maxing Shigan Decoction, with forsythia and honeysuckle added to clear away heat and detoxify, so this recipe is called Lianhua Qingwen Capsule. It uses forsythia, not lotus, or forsythia and honeysuckle. Take a word. Then, there are Radix Isatis, Mianma Guanzhong, and Houttuynia Cordata to clear away heat and detoxify, and cooperate with the treatment. Among them, mint can release evil spirits.

Then, use rhubarb to relieve heat, because when heat toxins are strong, it is easy to heat the colon, leading to unsmooth bowel movements. At this time, using rhubarb to relieve heat can clear away heat evil. This is called "preserving yin in a hurry", also known as The method of removing fuel from the cauldron. At the same time, the prescription is mixed with Patchouli, which is used to promote qi with its aroma, unblock qi, invigorate the spleen and stomach, and remove filthy qi. At the end of this recipe, there is also a medicine called rhodiola rosea, which is a medicine for strengthening qi. We know that if you are going to travel to Tibet, most friends will recommend that you drink some rhodiola rosea oral liquid before, in order to strengthen the body. Cardiopulmonary function, improve righteousness. However, this rhodiola rosea not only strengthens the body, but also has the effect of promoting blood circulation and dredging the collaterals. Therefore, when used in the prescription, it not only strengthens the body, but also dredges the lungs and collaterals, helping to remove evil spirits.

As you can see, this prescription is more comprehensive. If the external cold is relatively severe and the internal heat is just a little bit intense in the initial stage of external cold and internal heat, you can use Ganmao Qingre Granules, which contain many cold-dispelling drugs. However, if the opportunity is missed, a fever begins, the throat becomes swollen and painful, the phlegm is yellow, and the nasal mucus is yellow. At this time, if the fever is severe and the cold is mild, we can use Lianhua Qingwen Capsules. This prescription is suitable for use. It is enough to cope with the situation at this time.

Therefore, Academician Zhong Nanshan pointed out that in the past decade or so, from SARS to H7N9, a lot of inspiration has been gained from the therapeutic effects of traditional Chinese medicine. In the study, it was found that the traditional Chinese medicines Lianhua Qingwen Capsule and Isatis Root not only have a simple anti-viral effect, but also can prevent viruses from entering the body and entering cells. If the virus enters the cells, it can also prevent it from multiplying. He said that the antiviral concept of Chinese medicine is different from that of Western medicine. Chinese medicine also has a systemic regulatory effect, which is the characteristic and advantage of Chinese medicine.

This time around the flu, I saw that the National Health and Family Planning Commission put this drug on the frontline for preventing and treating influenza, which also shows that the efficacy of this drug is certain. We who have studied Chinese medicine, and now understand the ingredients in the prescription, can know under what circumstances to use this medicine. When external evil enters the body and transforms into heat, and cold and heat coexist, but the heat is severe and the cold is mild, or even the superficial cold is only a little bit, but the heat in the body is particularly severe, we can use it according to the symptoms and the effect will be better!
Dear friends, the battle against influenza is currently underway. We have put links to relevant articles on the prevention and treatment of external infections below to try to add more ammunition to everyone. We hope that everyone can get rid of the control of influenza and welcome it in good health. new year!
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