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Do you know "Yinshu"? Hot geniuses are easily hurt by cold and damp!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Do you know "Yinshu"? Hot geniuses are easily hurt by cold and damp!
Dear friends, good morning. Today we will talk about what diseases may occur in hot weather.

The disease we are talking about today is called "Yinshu". This is very interesting. Many people have never heard of this word. The weather is extremely hot in various places now, with temperatures reaching 35 degrees in the Northeast. Some friends said that they came from the south to the north to escape the heat, but found that it was even hotter in the north. Some people even joked that some African students suffered from heat stroke when they traveled to Beijing, and then said they wanted to go home to avoid the heat, which means that our temperature is relatively hot.

In order to avoid the extreme heat, people have adopted many methods of enjoying the coolness, but you did not expect that this method of enjoying the coolness will make people prone to physical problems. This kind of problem is called Yinshu by Chinese medicine.

What is summer? Summer is the extreme heat. Heatstroke in modern medicine is because the external environment is extremely hot, and the body’s fluids are continuously lost, which eventually leads to problems with the body’s heat dissipation function. Because you are not sweating, your body temperature will rise, your pulse will beat very fast, and your skin will be dry and hot. , the whole muscle becomes soft, coma or collapse occurs, and even death may occur. It will recover.

In addition to this, the heat stroke mentioned by the ancients also has a broader meaning, including feeling the evil of dampness and heat. The weather is extremely hot, and the evil of dampness and heat is also heatstroke. You will have vomiting and diarrhea, dizziness, thirst, etc. We all call it heatstroke, so the ancients talked about a wider range of heatstroke.

The ancients said that when the weather is extremely hot, there are two types of heat stroke: one is sun heat, and the other is yin heat. Heat stroke caused by damp heat is called sun heat. What is this gloomy heat? In this kind of weather, people often like to enjoy the coolness. They go to a particularly large house or basement, drink cool things, and then fan constantly. Originally, the weather is hot, and your pores are opened. If the cold comes suddenly, the cold and dampness will enter the body. At this time, some symptoms of cold and dampness will appear. The ancients named it because it is also a disease caused by hot weather. It is also a cold syndrome, so it is called Yin-shu.

The term "yin and heat" can be used regardless of whether you can afford it. I don't think what the ancients said is correct. In fact, it is cold and damp. So why the name Yinshu? It is because the pores are open in hot weather, and this kind of cold and dampness is more likely to appear. The ancients were very vivid, calling it yin heat, including Zhang Jingyue, a physician in the Ming Dynasty, also called it yin heat. Li Dongyuan made it more interesting. He called the kind caused by heat as moderate heat, and the one caused by cold as heat stroke. I think Li Dongyuan's division is even more unscientific, and he is unacceptable, so this kind of statement has not been circulated, only Li Dongyuan himself said so. When he came to Zhang Jingyue, Zhang Jingyue said that heat syndrome is divided into yin and yang, and he said that yin syndrome must be taken seriously. Many people have problems because they don't know how to deal with yin symptoms. Why can't they deal with yin symptoms? Because it is a hot day, many people think it is a fever, so they make a mistake. In fact, it is not a fever. We must recognize this situation.

Let's talk about what is the situation and what habits will cause cold and damp to invade us in summer?

First, sleeping outdoors

Some people sleep outside at night. For example, when we were in college, we liked to go to the roof of the dormitory because it was cool. Back then, there was no air-conditioning in the dormitory of college students. It was cool to go to the roof and sleep there. But it was hot in the first half of the night and you felt comfortable. It's cold, and at this time many people wear shorts and are shirtless, and it is easy to catch cold in the abdomen, and then they will vomit, have diarrhea, and have stomach pains. This is caused by cold and dampness, and this situation is caused by sleeping in the open. Some villages have their own yards and sleep in the yards. I was walking on the street last night, and I saw a truck with a bucket that might be delivering food. The guy who delivered the goods was sleeping in that bucket. So at this time, you may see that the weather is very hot, but in fact you will catch cold at this time.

Second, enjoy the cool in a cold and humid place

On a hot day, many people like to hide in the room, and the air conditioner blows cold air. Occasionally, when they go outside, it is very hot, so the pores open and sweat, and when they enter the room, it is very cold, very cold, resulting in the invasion of cold and damp The body will get sick. Some people will hide by the water, such as living by the water, the humidity of this kind of water is very heavy. Some people like to live in air-raid shelters. I have seen some people go to play mahjong in the air-raid shelters in summer. At this time, there will be cold and damp, because the air-raid shelters are very cold. So many people will have rheumatism after staying in the air-raid shelter for a period of time. Therefore, it is not very good to enjoy the shade in a cold place. Some people fall asleep there unknowingly, which eventually leads to catching cold.

Third, eat cold food

At this time, people will drink cold drinks, drink the ice water rushing into it, the crystals are crystal clear and cool, as the advertisement said, this one will definitely catch the cold. There are also people who eat cold food. For example, there is a famous food in Northeast China called cold noodles. There are ice cubes in the cold noodles. When you are sweating outside, it is very hot. At this time, you want to eat this ice food, but the ice After eating the food, I feel happy for a while, but soon my spleen and stomach suffer from cold. The disease caused by this condition is also called Yin-shu.

In addition to the above reasons, there are also various living habits, such as using an air conditioner or an electric fan to blow against strong winds while sleeping. Many people are blown to problems. There are many similar ones. I won’t talk about them. You can Experience it yourself.

So, what is the difference between feeling cold and damp at this time and feeling cold and damp at ordinary times? Why is it especially easy to get sick at this time?

Normally, the body is prepared for changes in the external environment, but in summer, the pores of the body are most likely to open, and the body feels very hot, so there is no need to guard against the cold. As a result, when the whole body is relaxed, you let yourself catch the cold, and the cold evil is especially easy to enter at this time. Therefore, the naming of the word yin and heat also has its reason. This time is different from usual, because the cold and damp feeling in the hot weather will make you more likely to get sick, and the onset will be faster.

What are the symptoms of Yinshu?

People with yin and summer heat are prone to exogenous symptoms, fever and chills, fever and then fear of cold, often sweat, not much sweat, some people have no sweat, the skin is tight all over the body, goose bumps appear when the cold is cold, and then it is very painful to touch. Dryness, some people can sweat a little, the body feels sore, lacks strength, the whole person looks dizzy, always feels dizzy, and feels that there is no strength at all. At this time, the most obvious reaction is pale tongue, the whole color of the tongue will be very light, red tongue indicates that there is heat in the body, at this time, the tongue will be pale due to cold evil and insufficient yang energy. The tongue coating is often white, sometimes a little yellowish, usually white, and the tongue coating is thick and greasy, that is, it is covered with the tongue. This is the exogenous factor caused by yin and heat. There are also spleen and stomach problems caused by cold, such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea, lack of energy, joint pain, etc. This is due to cold in the body.

How to adjust once you feel the heat?

There are various methods in ancient times. If the exogenous symptoms are very obvious, it is recommended to treat the cold as wind-cold and cold-dampness. For example, use Zhengchaihuyin. Zhengchaihuyin is Zhang Jingyue’s prescription for treating exogenous wind-cold. son. Zhang Jingyue said that when the vitality is insufficient, you can take Buzhongyiqi pills and Buzhongyiqi soup to fill up the righteousness, and the cold evil will dissipate by itself, so it may not attack the evil energy. If the spleen and stomach are injured by cold evil, you can use medicines such as Fuzi Lizhong Pills to warm the yang. Remember, you must use hot medicine.

The most suitable medicine is called Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills or Huoxiang Zhengqi Water. The prescription of Huoxiang Zhengqi uses traditional Chinese medicine to remove cold and dampness. So in the past we said that Huoxiang Zhengqi can treat heat stroke, everyone must remember to distinguish clearly, it is not heatstroke caused by feeling fever, Huoxiang Zhengqi is full of warming medicine, the heatstroke it refers to refers to yin heat, we must be clear, It treats cold and dampness. Therefore, when you feel cold and damp, and your spleen and stomach are injured, you will experience vomiting and diarrhea, a little nausea, and fever. At this time, the effect of using Huoxiang Zhengqi will be particularly effective, so this is a cure for yin and heat.

Everyone must pay attention, we must first get rid of this factor, that is to say, in hot days, we should try our best to avoid being hurt by the evil of cold, the evil of cold and damp is everywhere, and the humidity is very heavy in summer, coupled with the wind Air conditioning, drinking cold drinks, the body will be injured. Once the body is infected, if you know that it is caused by cold, you should stop using cold medicine. Sometimes people don’t understand and think I should use heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine when I have a fever! But using cold medicine has no effect, and it will become more and more uncomfortable. I feel that my stomach is full, I can’t digest food, and my yang energy will be injured. At this time, I need to use warm medicine, even Guizhi soup. Specially use Guizhi Decoction. Some Chinese medicine practitioners are good at using Aconite to regulate the body. If the gastrointestinal system is obvious and there is a gastrointestinal cold, Huoxiang Zhengqi can be used. So these are all methods to treat Yin-shu. The ancients said that Yang-shu and Yin-shu are "like ice and charcoal", just like ice and charcoal. We must understand them clearly. So this is to remind everyone that the weather is very hot now, but we are more likely to be injured by cold and dampness. At this time, we are prone to overcast and heat. Everyone must understand that this disease is said to be Yin-shu, but actually it means feeling cold and damp.

The first thing we need to do is to take precautions and not let ourselves feel cold and damp; secondly, once there is a problem with the body, we must use warm medicine to dissipate the cold, so that the body can gradually return to health.

Today we introduced the concept of overcast heat. In this hot day, after everyone has this concept, I think you can at least know how to protect yourself. I wish everyone can spend this summer healthily!
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