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Diabetics can manage their sugar levels at work and at the same time

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Diabetics can manage their sugar levels at work and at the same time
Li Jinsuo is 58 years old this year. He has not yet retired and still insists on working. Although work takes up most of his time, it does not affect blood sugar control. His fasting blood sugar was once as high as 14 mmol/L, and his postprandial blood sugar was as high as 23 mmol/L. liters, and now his blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin are well controlled. As an office worker, how did he do it? Let’s learn about Li Jinsuo’s anti-sugar story.

Found out that my blood sugar was high at a young age, but it was due to mental stress

Li Jinsuo said that despite the fact that I am only in my fifties, I have been diagnosed with diabetes for more than ten years. Looking back now, my ability to develop diabetes has a lot to do with my personality. Why did Li Jinsuo, who seemed taciturn and thin, get diabetes?

He said that when he was 38 years old, his mother passed away suddenly, which hit him hard. Li Jinsuo recalled that his mother was the head of the family and she made all the decisions in the family. Therefore, before his mother passed away, although he was the eldest son in the family, he had no pressure at all and lived a relaxed and happy life. It was only half a year from the time his mother was diagnosed with cancer to her death. The shock of losing a loved one suddenly was unbearable for him. Moreover, due to his introverted personality, he had few friends at the time and no one to talk to, so his longing for his mother was deeply buried in his heart.

But misfortunes never come singly. Li Jinsuo's father also passed away two years later. He, who was already very fragile, found it even more difficult to accept the death of his parents, but he bore all these pains alone in his heart. In the next two years, many changes, big and small, occurred in the family, all of which had a great impact on him.

He later discovered high blood sugar during a physical examination organized by his work unit, but because he did not know much about diabetes at the time, he did not pay attention to it and never took treatment. It wasn't until 2009 that he developed symptoms such as dizziness and weakness, and his fasting blood sugar was found to be as high as 14 mmol/L, and his postprandial blood sugar was as high as 23 mmol/L. This caused him to pay enough attention and start diabetes treatment!

Treatment must be based on the doctor's advice, and persistence in treatment requires rewards. Many diabetic patients have poor blood sugar control. On the one hand, they do not follow the doctor's instructions. They refuse to take injections when the doctor tells them to take them. They do not take medicines on time when the doctor tells them to do so. They monitor blood sugar on time when the doctor tells them to. I don’t know if it hurts, I just feel it. When it comes to compliance, Li Jinsuo said that he completely follows the doctor's instructions and takes the medicine as the doctor tells him. He never dares to adjust the dosage or change the type of medicine without permission. He takes medicine on time every day and his blood sugar has always been well controlled. good. Li Jinsuo also said that in his previous medical record, the doctor would write the words "blood sugar is good" like a primary school student correcting homework. This doctor's approach was a great encouragement to Li Jinsuo, even after many years. Since then, its influence on him has not diminished.

Due to Li Jinsuo's good compliance and good blood sugar control, he was elected by the hospital as a patient representative to speak at the 2011 Doctor-Patient Interaction Conference of Peking University First Hospital. Since speaking as a patient representative this time, his confidence in sugar control has become stronger. It is because of the encouragement given to him by doctors and hospitals that has always inspired him to move forward on the road of sugar control. Even though he doesn’t have as much time to manage blood sugar as retirees because he is at work, he still adheres to the “five pillars” of diabetes.

Don’t dare to delay treatment at all.

[Enlightenment] During the process of blood sugar control, you must follow the doctor's instructions. Many people with diabetes follow what others say when it comes to drug selection. They have to take whatever medicine others take, and throw away the hypoglycemic drugs prescribed by the doctor. aside. There are also many patients who feel that they can control their blood sugar by feeling. Doctors ask them to monitor their blood sugar regularly, but they may not measure it on time, or they may never measure it... These situations are actually not conducive to the control of diabetes. Different hypoglycemic drugs The mechanisms for lowering blood sugar are different. The doctor will prescribe different corresponding drugs according to the specific conditions of each patient. Blood sugar must be monitored regularly. The doctor will find out the reason for the increase in blood sugar according to your blood sugar changes and adjust the dosage of the medicine. Better blood sugar control.

In addition, it is very important for diabetes patients to obtain periodic rewards during the process of sugar control to adhere to treatment. Patients can set some periodic goals for themselves and give themselves certain rewards when they reach the goals.

He started practicing Baduanjin and now leads patients to do exercises in the hospital. Li Jinsuo came into contact with Baduanjin by chance in 2010. He thought that blood sugar control was inseparable from exercise. Maybe practicing Baduanjin would help control his blood sugar. So he began to practice Baduanjin by himself in his free time. He practiced by himself for about half a year. By chance, a hospital invited him to lead patients in the hospital to do exercises. Unexpectedly, after this exercise, he would often be invited by hospitals. However, since Li Jinsuo has to go to work on weekdays, he can only do exercises on weekends. However, many people with diabetes have reported that practicing Baduanjin is very helpful for their health.

Since Li Jinsuo started practicing Baduanjin, his personality has become more cheerful than before. He himself said that by practicing Baduanjin, he felt that his life had entered a new stage. First of all, his body got better and he became more energetic than before. Furthermore, my ideological realm is different, and my perspective on thinking about things has become much broader. Li Jinsuo used to be an introverted and taciturn person, and rarely told others what was on his mind. Now through Baduanjin, he has made many friends and talks more than before. He often discusses his condition with his diabetes friends and can maintain his health every day. good mood. This should be the real charm of exercise. I hope all people with diabetes can insist on physical exercise.

Sports opportunities are everywhere, it just depends on whether you take advantage of them

Li Jinsuo also insists on physical exercise at work. Every day when he comes to the work, he first helps the cleaners clean the house. As long as he is not busy at work, he will also take some time to practice Baduanjin. Later, other colleagues will join in the practice. After lunch every day, he would take a few colleagues for a walk, and he would walk for more than half an hour every day. Sometimes Li Jinsuo would take his home blood glucose meter to work to test the blood sugar of his colleagues. He didn't know what happened, but he was shocked to find that many of his colleagues' blood sugar exceeded the standard! These colleagues with high blood sugar became more actively involved in the sports activities he led every day. He said that his leaders were very happy to see that colleagues in the unit were so enthusiastic about physical exercise.

Some colleagues with high blood sugar have been exercising with Li Jinsuo for several years. Later, when their blood sugar was measured again, some of them had returned to normal levels. This is the result that everyone hopes to see. Li Jinsuo said that he was very happy to be able to do something for everyone and hoped that everyone would be in good health.

Nowadays, the power of the Internet cannot be ignored. Li Jinsuo also likes to surf the Internet. In the forums he joins, he always encounters some patients, especially young patients, who are prone to ideological burden, and many even have thoughts of committing suicide. So he took the initiative to enlighten these people and share his experience in sugar control with them. He felt that the reason why these people were confused and confused was mainly because they did not understand diabetes knowledge. Li Jinsuo would also send them magazines and information, and even help introduce them. Under the guidance of the doctor I used to see, many diabetic patients gradually changed their thinking and became optimistic!
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