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Diabetic patients not soak their feet in hot water

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Diabetic patients soak their feet in hot water for 20 minutes and their feet are festered and necrotic
The weather is cold, and diabetics should pay special attention to soaking their feet in soup. A middle-aged woman who lives in Nantou has a history of diabetes for more than ten years. A while ago, when the cold snapped, she used a foot bath machine at home. After more than 20 minutes of comfort, blisters appeared on the back of her feet. It was also severely festered, so I went to Taichung Hospital for treatment, and found that it was a deep second-degree burn combined with skin necrosis, and I almost needed skin grafting. After debridement surgery and ten times of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, I finally recovered. (This is the consequence of using western medicine to control blood sugar.)
(Reported by Kou Shijing)
Ms. Li, who is in her forties, has a history of diabetes for more than ten years. She usually relies on insulin injections to control blood sugar. , Unexpectedly, after soaking my feet for more than 20 minutes, large blisters developed on the backs of my feet. I rubbed Youdian on my own for treatment. After half a month, not only did I not heal, but the skin on my feet was ulcerated. I went to Taichung Hospital urgently. Surgeon Chen Mingze found that The wound was a deep second-degree burn with skin necrosis. After wound debridement and ten times of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, he was finally discharged without skin grafting. (The wound could not heal, it was not good for two weeks, deep second-degree burns. The situation was complicated, and it was handled in a high-standard way. I almost needed skin grafting. I was worried when I came here, and I was afraid of being amputated. Special reminder to diabetic patients, neuropathy is unknown, and they do not feel pain. I don’t know if I soaked in hot water for too long, but I didn’t feel any pain after soaking for only 20 minutes. The water temperature was more than 40 degrees, and blisters appeared on the insteps of both feet. I was hospitalized for a week and recovered in about a month. , It is this kind of insulin that makes the blood sugar of diabetic patients accumulate in the feet, so it will cause poor blood circulation in the lower limbs, so this sequelae will appear.)
Dr. Chen Mingze reminded that if diabetic patients develop neuropathy, their senses will become dull, and they will not feel pain when they are injured. In addition, the wounds of diabetic patients are prone to inflammation and difficult to heal. , The consequences are often beyond the patient's imagination. For example, when Ms. Li arrived at the hospital, she was shocked when she heard that skin grafting might be needed. She called on diabetic patients to protect their common sense. (The former president of Taiwan, Mr. Chiang Ching-kuo, had his limbs amputated because of this problem. When he died, there was no place for his legs to be removed. And he did not soak his feet in hot water.)
misconceptions about medicine
The longer you use western medicine to control your blood sugar, the more numb your feet will be. Once a wound appears, it will be difficult to close your mouth. If you can’t close your mouth, western medicine will ask the patient to amputate his limb to save his life. Years later, liver cirrhosis and kidney failure appeared, and he was really looking for ghosts to cure his illness.
People with diabetes problems, please find orthodox Chinese medicine for treatment. The sooner the treatment is better, the more difficult it is to delay the treatment. However, as long as the patient believes in Chinese medicine, it can still be cured. There is no need to use oral lozenges or Insulin injections to control blood sugar, taking traditional Chinese medicine and exercising more, and changing eating habits at the same time, how can there be any bad reason?
The middle-aged woman in the previous report felt sluggish in her feet after using insulin. If she had taken traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes from the very beginning, how could the situation happen today? It is really wrong Western medicine Miserable.
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