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Diabetes can also lead to a healthy and long life

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Diabetes can also lead to a healthy and long life
The first factor that determines the longevity of diabetics is blood sugar, and the second factor is blood pressure and blood lipids. As long as these are controlled well, they can live a healthy and long life. So what can diabetics do to live longer? What should diabetics eat?

1. For diabetics to live a long and healthy life, diet is the cornerstone of health and one of the five factors that keep blood sugar stable.

1. More vegetables and less rice, less oil and less salt. People with diabetes who eat more vegetables will reduce blood sugar fluctuations and slow down the rate of blood sugar rise. However, eating too much oil will easily cause calorie bidding, and blood sugar will rise and be difficult to lower. However, too much salt will Too much food will aggravate the risk of high blood pressure, so eat less oil and less salt;

2. In order to reduce oil and salt in cooking for diabetic patients without affecting the taste, they often use steaming, boiling, cold dressing, rinsing, stewing, stewing and other methods to cook dishes. It is advisable to use vegetable oil for cooking and avoid attending banquets as much as possible. When going to a banquet, try to choose meals based on the amount and combination of foods you usually eat at home.

3. People with diabetes should eat in separate meals, three to four meals a day, at regular intervals, with an interval of 4-5 hours between meals. Diabetic patients who inject insulin sometimes have poor meal times and are prone to hypoglycemia. They can eat 2-3 snacks between three main meals. They can take some food out of the three main meals and save them for snacks. This is to prevent hypoglycemia. effective measures.

4. People with diabetes should not eat sugar-free foods just because they think they are sugar-free. Foods that are sugar-free still contain a lot of oil or have a lot of staple food ingredients. Pastries should also be controlled. These foods can cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, directly aggravate the condition and interfere with diabetes. Treatment of diabetes.

2. If diabetics want to live longer, they must see a doctor regularly and must not ignore these 6 items.

1. If diabetics have controlled their blood sugar for a period of time, they should go to the hospital to check whether they are up to standard. In addition to blood sugar, they also need to check glycated hemoglobin once every three months. In this way, we will know how well the sugar control has been in the past three months.

2. People with diabetes should check pancreatic islet function frequently.

Pancreatic islet function tests include insulin, C-peptide, and blood glucose measurements. Insulin is the only hormone in the human body that lowers blood sugar, and C-peptide is a peptide segment during the insulin period. When detecting insulin and measuring the C-peptide content in the blood, it can more truly reflect the secretory function of the pancreatic islets. Through the pancreatic islet function test, we can understand the secretion of insulin, whether there is insulin resistance, and guide the use of hypoglycemic drugs.

For example, if the pancreatic islet function test shows that the insulin secretion function is significantly weakened, insulin treatment should be considered; if the insulin secretion function is still good, insulin secretion-stimulating drugs can be used; if there is insulin resistance, insulin sensitizers should be considered.
3. People with diabetes should check their weight + waist circumference frequently.

Many people tend to ignore the measurement of weight and height during physical examinations, considering them unnecessary. In fact, the measurement of weight and height can calculate the BMI index of people with diabetes. If your BMI exceeds 25, you should be wary of insulin resistance and metabolic diseases caused by obesity.

4. Diabetes requires frequent blood lipid checks

Excessive blood lipids will also affect the condition of diabetes. When the lipids in the blood increase, part of them will become blood free fatty acids. Excessive blood free fatty acids can inhibit the use of glucose by muscle tissue and promote the liver to use non-sugar substances such as lipids. Classes and proteins are converted into sugar, which makes insulin "ineffective". It can also cause dysfunction of the pancreatic beta cells that secrete insulin, aggravating the condition of diabetes. Therefore, people with diabetes must pay attention to blood lipids during physical examinations.

5. People with diabetes should check their blood pressure frequently.

Diabetes and hypertension are both systemic metabolic diseases, and people with diabetes are easily "targeted" by hypertension. It is understood that the prevalence of hypertension in diabetics is twice that of non-diabetics, and at least one-third of diabetics suffer from hypertension. If people with diabetes have "high" blood sugar and blood pressure, the risk of atherosclerotic heart disease, stroke, nephropathy and retinopathy will also be significantly increased. Therefore, people with diabetes should pay attention to blood pressure indicators.

Generally speaking, the ideal blood pressure (healthy blood pressure) for adults is 120/80mmHg (clinic blood pressure, physical examination blood pressure). If it exceeds 140/90mmHg, it is considered high blood pressure, and you should go to a hypertension specialist in time. If the blood pressure level is between 130/85mmHg and 139/89mmHg, although it is not considered high blood pressure, it is a pre-hypertensive group. You should start to pay attention to lifestyle adjustments and increase exercise appropriately. Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will "turn into true". of patients with hypertension.

6. People with diabetes should have their heart function checked frequently.

Especially those with diabetes who are complicated by cardiovascular disease, or whose blood pressure and blood lipids are on the verge of high risk or even exceed the standards, must regularly screen their heart function. Specific screening items such as X-rays, electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, vector cardiograms, and coronary angiograms should be determined according to the different conditions of diabetes patients. You can consult relevant diabetes specialists.

Of course, the purpose of the above examination is to observe how well the control is going. If it is not good, adjust the treatment plan in time. If it is good, continue to manage it. In this way, health and longevity will not be a problem.

3. People with diabetes must stay away from tobacco and alcohol if they want to live longer:

If a diabetic patient drinks alcohol for a long time, his or her blood sugar will drop, causing hypoglycemia. Sometimes a diabetic patient mistakes hypoglycemia for being drunk, and tragedy occurs. If a diabetic patient smokes for a long time, his or her blood sugar will rise, which can induce vasospasm, damage the inner wall of the blood vessel, and cause coronary disease. Serious complications such as heart disease and myocardial infarction.

4. If people with diabetes want to live longer, exercise is essential

There are four purposes of diabetes exercise. The first is to increase the sensitivity of pancreatic islets to improve blood sugar; the second is to consume calories to make blood sugar drop faster; the third is to make the body and mind happy. When you are in a good mood, blood sugar will be more stable; and the fourth is to enhance your physical fitness. Improve the body's immunity, resist premature complications, and prevent other diseases.

Some people think that having diabetes will shorten their lifespan. In fact, this is not the case. As long as they pay attention to their diet, learn more about diabetes, and control their blood sugar, people with diabetes can live like normal people.
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