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Combat Humidity-Related Skin Issues with Angelica Sophora Sophora Pills!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Combat Humidity-Related Skin Issues with Angelica Sophora Sophora Pills!
Today, I would like to introduce a Chinese patent medicine: Danggui Kushen Pills.

This is a patented medicine produced by Tongrentang. It is very simple. It is two herbs, angelica and flavescens.

Among them, Angelica sinensis promotes blood circulation and nourishes blood, and Sophora flavescens dries and removes dampness.

However, don't look at the simplicity of this recipe, but the effect is really good, let me introduce it now.

The main functions of this prescription are: cooling blood and removing dampness. Used for conditions caused by dryness of blood and dampness and heat: sores on the head and face, acne pimples, itchy eczema, and red nose due to alcohol.

Sophora flavescens is a medicine that can dry dampness and detoxify. It has a very good effect on heat toxins on the skin, especially those caused by damp heat. Many studies have now shown that this medicine has the effect of preventing allergies.

This prescription was originally used to treat acne and pimples. My experience is that it is effective in treating various skin diseases caused by the poison of dampness and heat. Let me introduce it to you.

Medical records 1

One day, a friend suddenly came to me and said that he suddenly had a skin problem. What happened? It turned out that this friend was engaged in TV, and that day was the exercise of the National Day military parade. He went to shoot, and it just rained (I know that day, because all the traffic arteries were closed, I managed to get on the subway to return) (from home), they filmed very late and were tired all night, and then he sat on a lawn. As a result, after returning home, he found that he had a rash all over his body, especially on his ankles. It was very severe. He described it as: Terrible, the kind I've never seen before.

At this time, he called me. As soon as I heard about his working environment at that time, I understood. Then I asked him, what color was the rash? His answer was red.

In this way, I basically judged that it was caused by damp heat. First of all, the ankles were heavy, which means that moisture easily goes down and can easily cause problems in the lower part of the body. At the same time, it was red, which meant that there was heat, and combined with the fact that he was at that time You can basically tell if you work in the humidity.

Then, I told him to go to the drugstore to buy a Chinese patent medicine called "Danggui Sophora Pills", take it first, and then go to Kuanjie Traditional Chinese Medicine for further diagnosis the next day.

Then three days passed and I forgot about it. But this friend called me and told me that he didn’t go to the hospital for a checkup and just took this Angelica Sophora Pills. The rash has basically gone away. Two days later, only the foot rash is still there, but the foot rash seems to be very stubborn.

So, I told him to take 100 grams of adzuki beans every day, boil them in water and drink them together with this medicine.

Later, he told me that after taking it, the rash disappeared quickly.

His colleagues were dumbfounded when they saw that his severe rash had gone away so quickly, and they seriously asked to come to me for health care.

I didn’t meet this friend from beginning to end during this treatment, I just judged it over the phone. Why do you dare to draw such a conclusion? This is because the cause of the disease is clear, the symptoms are clear, and it has diagnostic significance. The final decision depends on the skill of diagnosis.

This friend later met me. That day I went to the bookstore in front of Communication University to buy books. He and I met there at Communication University, and both of us were indeed cured.

Medical Records 2

For another example, there is a lady who has a problem. During menstruation, using sanitary napkins always causes perineal problems, mainly around the anus, where she develops something like sores. In fact, it is Hair follicle infection, I thought it was hemorrhoids at first, but an anorectal hospital examination said it was not, it was hair follicle infection.

She found me by chance. In fact, this is a very painful disease that makes her worried every time she gets her period. At first, she thought it was because the quality of the sanitary napkins was not good, but the brands of sanitary napkins have changed many times and nothing has changed.

How to deal with it? I think this is a problem caused by damp heat, because damp heat generally tends to the lower half of the human body, and it is also red, swollen, hot and painful, so it can basically be judged to be damp heat.

So, I told her to take the Angelica Sophora Sophora Pills and see the effect after three days.

Three days later, she told me that she was basically healed by the second day.

Later I learned that since then, she had only committed the problem once, and she knew how to take this medicine and solved it on her own.

This diagnosis relied on the patient's narrative, which included redness, swelling, heat and pain; a history of using sanitary napkins, which was the cause of dampness and heat; and the location of the disease also supported the diagnosis, so she was asked to take this medicine. It depends on the skill of diagnosis.

Medical Records 3

In addition to diseases in the lower part, many problems will also occur on the face. Sometimes the rising heat will bring the humidity to the upper part, so diseases will also appear on the face.

There was a friend who didn't know what happened. He felt itchy on his face. When he looked carefully, he saw a lot of red bumps. He didn't know what they were. So he changed the pillow towels and other things and scratched them often. On my face, my movements were weird and distressing.

I also analyzed this in this way. It is also caused by dampness and heat, because his itching feeling is a sign of wind movement. This is generally the case for people with dry blood. Along with dryness of blood, there is also dampness and heat. It is precisely because Blood is dry, so dampness can enter. Many friends ask, how can it be dry and damp at the same time? It's like this. What's dry is the blood. This is because the blood is deficient. At this time, the dampness evil takes advantage of it. This dryness and dampness are on two levels.

So, I told him to take Danggui Kushen Pills.

As a result, he recovered in about three days.

A friend who knew about it told me that this Sophora flavescens was originally used to treat allergies, and that was what he was allergic to!

Haha, this is what Western medicine says, but I believe that taking Sophora flavescens alone may not have this effect.

Therefore, when you go into the drug store in the future and see this Angelica Sophora Sophora Pills, you should know that this medicine is used to treat heat poisoning of the skin caused by dampness and heat. If the skin has a rash that is red and hot, You can use it, of course, it is best to have a doctor's guidance, and pregnant women cannot take it casually. If it is confirmed, it will usually take effect soon. If there is no effect in two days, then you need to go to the hospital for another check.

That day I went to the pharmacy and took a closer look. It turned out that there were so many Chinese patent medicines, but no one knew about them. Many people entered the pharmacy and asked, what should I take? But generally the explanations given by store clerks are not very professional, so I try to write them out one by one so that everyone can understand them in a timely manner.

I write here today, hoping to be useful to my friends.
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