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Chinese Proprietary Medicine Aifu Nuangong Pills

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Chinese Proprietary Medicine Aifu Nuangong Pills
Nowadays, young girls put beauty first. In winter, it is very common to wear thin clothes. Especially this year, I saw a lot of girls, in such cold weather, wear socks that go a little bit above the upper of the shoes, and walk with their ankles exposed. It seems that this practice is very popular, and it can even be said to be everywhere. I think this is all because of not knowing how to keep in good health.

Many people will say: "I just like to wear it like this, and there is nothing wrong with my body?" I think this is unwise, because you are young now, your vitality is vigorous, and your body may be able to resist it. At this point, when righteousness declines, problems will arise.

I always give this example: You rarely see an 80-year-old man who goes to disco all night long until three o'clock in the morning. . And those who can act recklessly and harm their bodies are all young and vigorous people, because they have the capital to act recklessly, but your reckless actions will leave traces on the body and cause harm. So, I see a lot of old people, their bodies are in a mess, do you think this is a disease they have created on themselves now? No, they are all honest now, the current diseases were all caused long ago when they thought "it's okay".

Therefore, it is wise to be able to see future changes when the body is strong.

Let's go on to say that too many women now have a constitution of deficiency and cold because of the cold, that is, a constitution of deficiency of yang. The reason for the cold is nothing more than wearing too little clothes in cold weather, so that I get cold; and I like to blow the air conditioner. I have seen some young girls whose lives are very "modern". You have to live in an air-conditioned room, not hot at all, and you will catch cold sooner or later; you also have to eat cold food, such as drinking cold drinks, etc.; cold.

In addition, some labor will make women suffer from cold. For example, women used to work in ice water, wash clothes, go to paddy fields, etc., which will cause the root cause of the disease.

As for women, the most susceptible to be affected by the cold is the female uterus.

The physiological function of the female reproductive system is most likely to be affected by temperature changes. Many women reported that they just came to menstruation, and they took a bath, so menstruation stopped. In fact, this is the result of being affected by temperature changes. There are many examples of this. We discussed the impact of washing hair on menstruation before. Indeed, many women said that it is easy for them to wash their hair and menstruation stops. This is because it is hot when washing, but once the hot water is stopped, it will start to feel cold.

So, what are the symptoms of a woman's uterus suffering from cold?

The first is the change of menstruation. There will be delayed menstruation, less menstrual flow, blood clots, and dysmenorrhea. At the same time, there will be pain in the lower abdomen, which is aggravated by cold. Soreness, pale complexion, cold limbs, pale tongue instead of bright red, thin white or thick white coating.

Seriously, there is also infertility.

I remember when my junior sister came to me and said that her cousin had been married for several years, and the young couple was very anxious because they did not have children. When I came here, I saw that both of them had Yang deficiency, severe cold and dampness, and their tongue coating was as white and thick as snow. I asked the two of them about their living habits, and found out that the two love to eat cold, and it is said that in winter, they can eat ice cream under the covers. So I wrote the prescription using Wen Yang's method, and the two of them thanked each other and left.

Several years later, when I thought about it, my junior sister said how old their child was.

In addition, some gynecological diseases are also related to cold exposure, such as uterine fibroids, which have two symptoms of cold and heat.

Some gynecological inflammations look like a fever when you look at the word "inflammatory". In fact, they are caused by cold, such as chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Cold syndrome occurs, manifested as cold pain in the lower abdomen, thin vaginal discharge, pale complexion, fatigue, chills, shortness of breath, lazy speech, light mouth, loose stool, pale tongue with white greasy coating, deep pulse Wait for the symptoms.

Therefore, if a woman catches the cold, it will have a great impact on the uterus.

Then, at this time, you can use a famous Chinese patent medicine: Aifu Nuangong Wan.

This Aifu Nuangong Pill is an ancient famous prescription, which is recorded in many medical books, but the medicine has been slightly increased or decreased. The current formula is as follows:

Artemisia argyi, Rhizoma Cyperi, Evodia, Cinnamon, Angelica, Chuanxiong, Paeoniae Alba, Rehmannia, Astragalus Radix, Dipsacus.

In this prescription, first of all, there is Siwu soup that nourishes blood. Everyone knows the recipe of Siwu Decoction, which is rehmannia glutinosa, angelica, chuanxiong, and white peony. This Siwu Decoction is the ancestral prescription for nourishing blood. Putting it in this prescription plays a role in laying the foundation and nourishing the blood first. . In this prescription, angelica nourishes blood and activates blood, regulates menstruation and relieves pain, which is the king medicine. Rehmannia glutinosa, Radix Paeoniae Alba, and Rhizoma Chuanxiong nourish yin and nourish blood, harmonize nutrient and regulate menstruation, and enhance the effect of monarch medicine for nourishing blood and regulating menstruation.

In the prescription, Astragalus nourishes the spleen and qi. On the basis of nourishing the blood, adding qi-tonifying medicines can help the visible blood metabolize.

The leaves of mugwort, evodia, and cinnamon in the prescription are medicines for warming the uterus, among which the leaves of mugwort are the most abundant, which can warm and dredge the meridians, dispel cold and dampness. Evodia rutaecarpa and cinnamon invigorate the kidney and solidify energy, dispel cold and relieve pain. In the past, Chinese people often used Evodia rutaecarpa to make spicy seasoning before peppers entered China. It has the effect of warming yang and eliminating dampness; It has the effect of strengthening muscles and bones, and it has the best effect on women's low back pain caused by deficiency and cold of the kidney meridian.

And Rhizoma Cyperi regulates Qi, regulates Qi and relieves depression, regulates menstruation and relieves pain.

The whole prescription is based on the idea of nourishing blood, combined with medicines for invigorating qi and regulating qi, and then reusing medicines for warming yang to dispel the coldness of the uterus. The thinking is clear and the medicines are precise. It is a model in gynecological Chinese patent medicines.

The main therapeutic direction of this prescription is to warm the meridian and warm the uterus, nourish blood and prevent miscarriage. For women with cold uterus, leucorrhea, sallow complexion, limb pain, fatigue, loss of diet, irregular menstruation, colorless blood, abdominal pain, long-term childlessness, etc., the effect is good.

It should be noted that the method of taking this prescription required by the ancients is to take it with light vinegar soup on an empty stomach. Now I often tell patients that they can use apple cider vinegar mixed with some warm water to take the medicine.

Therefore, if a female friend knows that she has been exposed to cold and now her yang energy is insufficient, especially if her uterus is exposed to cold, she can take this medicine to nourish the blood and warm the meridian, so that the cold evil will be eliminated little by little, and the body's qi and blood will gradually become vigorous. , the body will get better.

A few days ago, I read an article saying that in the trade of Chinese patent medicines in the world, the Japanese occupy 90% of the market, and in Japan, 70% of pharmaceutical companies rely on The production of "Kampo medicine" is maintained, while Zhang Zhongjing's classic prescriptions can be produced by pharmaceutical companies in Japan without approval. This surprised me and made me ashamed at the same time. I think the work we have done is not enough. There are too many famous prescriptions of Chinese medicine, which have not yet been made into Chinese patent medicines. Only a few of Zhang Zhongjing's prescriptions have been made into Chinese patent medicines. And it is made into Chinese patent medicine, because people don't understand it, and they don't know what disease it can treat, so they lie on the counter of the pharmacy and sleep. This is a great pity. In fact, many people have no serious physical illnesses, but some imbalances. The Chinese patent medicines on the market can solve many problems.

Therefore, in the future, I will tell you more about Chinese patent medicines. I hope you can use this simple method to regulate your body and protect yourself and your family. I hope that one day, our Chinese patent medicines will also go to the world and break the situation where the Japanese monopolize the market. Because, after all, that is the precious wealth left by our ancestors! We did not do well, and that is our sin.
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