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【Chinese Medicine】experience (36) Xiaoyao San

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

【Chinese Medicine】Maomao's experience in reading prescriptions (36) Xiaoyao San
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.


(36) Xiaoyao San
[Source] "Taiping Huimin Heji Bureau Prescription"

【Category】Reconcile Liver and Spleen Medicine

【Composition】Glycyrrhiza half liang (4.5g), Angelica, Poria cocos, Paeoniae officinalis, Atractylodes macrocephala, Bupleurum radix each one (9g each)

[Usage] The above is coarse powder, two qian (6g) per serving, a large cup of water, a piece of roasted ginger, cut into pieces, a little mint, and fried to 70% at the same time, remove the slag and take hot, no matter the time (modern usage: add 3 slices of ginger, 3g of mint, decoct in water; or as a pill, 6 to 9g per serving, 2 times a day).

【Indications】Soothing the liver and resolving depression, nourishing blood and invigorating the spleen. Syndrome of liver depression and blood deficiency and spleen weakness. Pain in both hypochondriacs, headache and dizziness, dry mouth and throat, lack of appetite, or coming and going of cold and heat, or irregular menstruation, breast tenderness, thin white tongue coating, stringy and weak pulse.

What is "Xiaoyao"? They are Yang Xiao and Fan Yao. No and no. Xiaoyao is a term in Taoist philosophy, which refers to being free and unrestrained. Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou" refers to not only the freedom from the fetters of the body, but also the freedom of the mind.

All diseases come first. A very important reason in the etiology of internal injuries is emotional problems. A person who dislikes everything all day long, always feels that the world and fate are unfair to him, always feels that he is not appreciated, his talents are underappreciated, and villains are targeting him everywhere. His internal friction is very serious, and his internal organs will be hurt by his bad emotions. On the contrary, if a person is in a positive and optimistic mood, he can even overcome incurable diseases and create miracles of life. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, regulating the liver can improve mood (improvement rather than change).

Different from Sini San, Xiaoyao San is a real prescription for harmonizing the liver and spleen. Bupleurum soothes the liver, white peony root restrains the liver, angelica nourishes the liver; Atractylodes macrocephala and licorice invigorate the spleen and qi, and tuckahoe promotes dampness and invigorates the spleen. These six herbs have the effects of regulating the liver and spleen, regulating the ascending and descending, and also have the effect of "treating the liver first strengthening the spleen". Even better is that ginger and mint, one is pungent and the other is pungent and cool, one is cold and the other is cooling, one is warming the spleen and the other is clearing the liver, and they all belong to the lung meridian, which has the meaning of dispersing stagnation and regulating the flow of Qi. Licorice harmonizes various medicines.

When using this prescription in clinical practice, the dosage of the medicines in the prescription should be added or subtracted depending on the pathogenesis, so as to change the monarch drug and its compatibility. If blood deficiency is the main factor, the king should use Angelica and Bai Shao, and the minister should use the products to strengthen the spleen and soothe the liver; Practice and hold on to this one side, round the mechanism and activate the method, and then get the purpose of "the essence of the prescription, and the change".

When using Xiaoyao Powder clinically, in addition to distinguishing the syndrome of liver-spleen disharmony, it is also necessary to weigh the primary and secondary relationship of the pathogenesis, and then add or subtract drugs or adjust the dosage of each drug in the prescription, and change the relationship between monarch, minister, assistant and envoy. If the patient mainly suffers from blood deficiency, the king should use Chinese angelica and white peony root, supplemented with products that invigorate the spleen and soothe the liver;

Women use the liver, so Xiaoyao San is especially good at treating gynecological diseases after adding, subtracting and adjusting according to the syndrome. From the point of view of syndrome differentiation of the six meridians, Xiaoyao San treats the three parts (outer part, inner part, half outer part and half inner part), and the six meridians can be governed by proper addition and subtraction. In short, to use this prescription, you must be flexible in thinking, focus on the big and let go of the small, distinguish between primary and secondary contradictions, choose and choose, and change with the patient's syndrome type. If the original amount of the original prescription is stuck, it will be difficult to obtain the desired curative effect.
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