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Changsha Han Dynasty women's bones are better than living ones

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

Changsha Han Dynasty women's bones are better than living ones
According to the “Medical Examination Report” jointly released by the Hunan Provincial Museum and the Xiangya School of Medicine of Central South University, the preservation method of the female corpse of the Mawangdui Han Tomb in Changsha is scientific and quite successful; Mrs. Xin Zhui's skin is still elastic, her joints can still move, and her bone quality is better than that of a ten-year-old normal person.
The Beijing News reported that the body of Xin Zhui, Mrs. Li Cang, the Prime Minister of Changsha in the Western Han Dynasty, who died in 186 BC and was about 50 years old at the time, was unearthed from the tomb in 1972. When excavated, her whole body was moisturized and her skin was smooth. The covering is complete, the lines of fingers and toes are clear, and the muscles are elastic. This is the first time in the world that an ancient wet corpse has been discovered.
Now, the body of Mrs. Xin Zhui is preserved by the Hunan Provincial Museum in a large coffin built in imitation of the original state when it was unearthed.
In June 2002, Hunan Provincial Museum invited experts from Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, including anatomy, histology, pathology, microbiology, radiology and surgery, to conduct a comprehensive and systematic inspection of the female corpse and evaluation.
This research report was released at the recently held "International Symposium on the 30th Anniversary of the Excavation of the Mawangdui Han Tomb".
The report pointed out that most of the structure of the female corpse's skin, muscle tissue, and liver tissue were basically consistent with the results of the examination thirty years ago through optical microscope and electron microscope observation.
The bone structure of the female corpse was basically normal. The contrast agent injected into the blood vessels 30 years ago was still clearly visible. The shape and skin color of the ancient corpse did not change significantly, and the skin was still elastic.
Organs preserved alone showed no bacterial growth and no mold was isolated.
"We read this report, not just to marvel at how good our country's preservation technology is, but to learn that the human skeleton was so good more than 2,000 years ago. It is certain that we never had any Western Nutrient supplements such as multi-vitamins and calcium tablets from the past have made the bones so good, and no one has ever been found to suffer from osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. Modern people have worshiped Western culture like gods, and the market is full of harmful products. Various nutritional supplements for human beings, people's life expectancy is shortened, cancer is everywhere, why is this so, it is very simple, we only need to compare the human body of ancient and modern times to understand."
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