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Case sharing of fire soup

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Case sharing of fire soup
As a fan of Dr. Luo, the biggest benefit is to have a powerful function of disease prevention and treatment, especially for colds. I haven't had a cold for nearly two years, or, to be precise, can nip a cold in the bud in the first place. However, the A-type virus that swept across most of China recently has tested the learning results and improved the actual combat experience. Now I will write it down and share it with everyone.

A while ago, due to work reasons, I flew from the south to the north, traveled long distances, and didn't sleep very well. Along the way, I came into contact with many people who either sneezed or coughed. Take anti-cold medicine with you, perilla, ginger, and chrysanthemum, and think that you have enough stock, and you can take the cold and heat of the cold without fear, so you can sit back and relax.

On the day of the return trip, there seemed to be a little foreign body stuck in the trachea in the throat, and I couldn't cough it out. Even taking ginger slices didn't help. One day later, the foreign body remained in the throat without pain or itching, so when I opened my mouth, I saw tooth marks on the sides of the tongue, the tongue was covered with coating, and the middle was slightly yellow. I am puzzled, the solar term is now winter, and the environment is from the sunny south to the dry north. Although the internal humidity has always been heavy, the probability of stomach flu caused by moisture should not be high, and there is no bloated stomach. Feeling of discomfort. So I still adopted conservative treatment, using chrysanthemum and mulberry leaves to clear away the heat first. At this time, the body reacted a bit, the limbs began to ache, and the throat also had a burning pain. The chrysanthemum mulberry leaf drink relieved the soreness of the limbs, but it had no effect on the foreign object in the throat. With the development of the disease, there is a tingling sensation when swallowing, and the throat hurts when speaking. At this time, I remembered the problem of sore throat or sore throat (tonsillitis) that Teacher Luo analyzed in particular. For such acute laryngitis (acute epiglottis) Inflammation), use Danzhi Sheyu Decoction, otherwise the swelling will be severe and people will die. Danzhi Sheyu Decoction is very cheap, and the three medicines cost less than 20 yuan. The loquat leaves are the fresh ones I picked from the community. After drinking it, the condition did not continue to worsen, but there was no obvious sign of improvement. Seeing that the New Year's Day holiday is over and it is time to go to work, my throat has lost its sound at this time, and the burning pain in my throat is still there. The time for the development and changes of the above diseases has been a total of 3 full days since the beginning of the obvious feeling.

In the past, I used the traditional Chinese medicine methods I learned to treat the first cold, and it was usually cured with one dose. Therefore, in the eyes of my colleagues, I am very immune to all kinds of colds. But this illness is very strange. Apart from a foreign body sensation in the throat, there are almost no other cold symptoms, neither runny nose, nor sneezing, and even less coughing, let alone any phlegm. Thinking of my legs feeling cold, and touching them with my hands, I felt that the temperature of my legs was lower than that of my hands, so I wondered in my heart whether it was the legendary "dragon and thunder running up the fire". Going to look at the tongue again, it was still the same as before, but I just took a closer look at the tongue quality exposed by the edge of the tongue, it was dark red. So I made a quick decision and tried the fire-fighting soup that Dr. Luo had talked about many times. Of course, if it is not the case, I will be at the end of my rope and have nothing to do.

Fortunately, the ingredients of Yinhuo soup are simple, and they are all foods: 90 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, 30 grams of cornus, 15 grams of Poria cocos, and 6 grams of cinnamon, all of which are ready-made at home. Boil a bowl of thick soup and drink it after warming it up. The taste is a bit sour, but it is still good in traditional Chinese medicine. After drinking it, in less than two minutes, I felt a cold air extending from the trachea to the root of the nose and spreading. The poison in the throat is like an ebb tide, slowly dissipating to both sides. I'm totally blown away, mom! This is medicine? Or legend? ! This effect! ! !

In order not to make people suspect that this was an excuse to avoid labor and stay at home because of illness, as a legal worker, I immediately took pictures of the condition of my throat at that time to prove my innocence. Now, in order to help everyone further understand the scope of application of Yinhuotang, I have to sacrifice this pair of skins for everyone to watch.

I took the medicine at 9 o'clock in the morning, and it was no longer painful to swallow by noon. In the afternoon, I insisted on going to work at the unit. Although my voice was hoarse, I was finally able to speak. A colleague who contacted me in the morning was very surprised when he heard it. It's just vomiting and mocking, it's embarrassing, what's the situation!

Let me introduce the follow-up disease development: After taking Yinhuo Decoction, the throat slowly recovered, and the cold symptoms that had not occurred before began to appear slowly, the nose began to be slightly blocked, and some clear nasal discharge came down; the cough was not much, But it started to get a little bit, and it was very deep, it should almost reach the chest cavity, and there was yellow phlegm. So I bought some loquat cough syrup and compound fresh bamboo leek oral liquid. Because the cough is relatively deep, it sounds scary. I followed the doctor's friend's advice and resisted the urge to go to the hospital to take a chest X-ray. Objectively, there was no fever or other phenomena during the whole process, and it was actually an actual combat. Because of too little experience, I am not confident. Interlude, the compound Xianzhuli Oral Liquid has a powerful effect on yellow phlegm. After taking two bottles in the whole process, the yellow phlegm will turn into white phlegm, and the cough will gradually decrease. The rest is left to time to recover slowly.

Shared two and a half sets of Yinhuo Decoction, the spleen and stomach have not yet recovered after the illness, and the tongue coating is white and greasy. I plan to take Huaishan medicine for two days for conditioning. The above treatment ideas are for your reference. I wish everyone stay away from the disease, don't panic if you are hit by the flu, and have confidence in yourself, there will always be a suitable method for the various cold treatment methods taught by Teacher Luo, which is used to fight the disease, and it is just to strengthen the actual combat experience!
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