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Can you think of the causes of infertility and what is it?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Can you think of the causes of infertility and what is it?
Let me tell you a case first. It is a friend from a cooperative unit. He told me one day that his wife had been pregnant before, but she had a miscarriage two months later, and then she was unable to get pregnant. Their family is now getting more and more pregnant. Urgent, my desire to have a child is getting more and more urgent, what should I do?

This is where many people tend to make mistakes. Generally speaking, my experience is that people who miscarry after two months of pregnancy often have insufficient righteousness, especially insufficient temper, and are unable to support themselves. At this time, they need to nourish their righteousness, especially supplements. Spleen, but many people are eager to have children, so they get pregnant one after another, and the results are often unsatisfactory. Strictly speaking, this kind of eagerness to have children means that the mother’s body does not recover. Even if she has a child, the child’s body is often relatively weak. .

So, I introduced him a recipe, which is how to use placenta (Yun Shao’s tip: the relevant link is at the end of the article).

After he gave it to his wife, after a period of time, he said there was no movement?

It happened that one day, the two of us were on a business trip together. I lived far away, so I took a taxi to pick him up at their house and went to the airport together. He said, "Well, when you pass by my house, let my wife come downstairs and you can look at her tongue."

I remember it was early in the morning, it was just dawn, I went downstairs, they came down, and they were next to the taxi, and I took a look.

His wife's tongue is pointed, covered with white coating, and the exposed tip is slightly red.

Friends who have read my tongue diagnosis all know that this is a tongue sign of uncomfortable liver qi, which indicates high pressure. Later, I chatted with this friend and confirmed that his wife was indeed very stressed.

So, I prescribed a prescription to soothe the liver and relieve depression, asked him to soak his wife's feet, and then told them some relaxation principles.

About a month after the foot soaking stopped, his wife became pregnant, and the child is now several years old.

Nowadays, every Chinese medicine practitioner feels that modern people suffer from too much liver qi discomfort.

So, what exactly is liver qi discomfort?

The so-called discomfort of liver qi actually has little to do with the "liver" in Western medicine anatomy. The liver in traditional Chinese medicine includes the "liver" in anatomy, but the liver in traditional Chinese medicine is a system that stores blood and regulates blood circulation. When we are in a bad mood, depressed, nervous, anxious, or angry, our Qi will become stagnant, causing liver dysfunction. We call this situation called liver Qi discomfort.

If we analyze it carefully, the liver’s catharsis function mainly includes the following four aspects. You can learn about it:

01 Adjust the air flow machine

The liver has the function of regulating the flow of Qi in and out. Therefore, some friends who are in a bad mood will feel a blockage somewhere in their body. For example, some people often feel that there is something like a plum core blocking their throat. This is called plum core qi, which is caused by depression.

02 Tongli Qi and Blood Water

For example, some female patients find that their menstruation is disordered or even amenorrhea after giving birth to an atmosphere. This is because there is a problem with the catharsis function.

03Promote the movement and transformation of the spleen and stomach

After some people get angry, they will find that they start to have abdominal pain and diarrhea, which is also due to abnormal dredging of the liver.

04 Adjust your emotions

If the dredging of liver qi is abnormal, the movement of qi is out of balance, and the disharmony of qi and blood can cause abnormal changes in emotion.

In addition, women's ovulation and menstrual cramps, and men's ejaculation are also closely related to the dredging function of liver qi. Because the liver meridian is connected to the reproductive system.

Modern people are under too much pressure, their daily work is tense, and their relationships with people are also more complicated, so there are more cases of liver qi discomfort. The biggest impact is on women, especially ovulation and menstrual cramps, which will be greatly affected. Influence.

Among the people I met, there are already many women in their forties who are about to lose their periods.

Therefore, it is difficult for many women to conceive now, and once they are unable to conceive, the pressure in our society is unimaginable.

In many families, conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law arise because of this. At first, the husband can handle it, but he cannot withstand the long-term "enthusiastic" care of the seven aunts and eight aunts. Gradually, problems will arise in the relationship between husband and wife. In this way, the pressure on women is even greater. In this way, pregnancy It’s even more difficult.

At such a time, I started to go to various places for check-ups, trying various methods to unblock the fallopian tubes and using various supplements. However, you must know that uncomfortable liver qi can cause blood stasis. Many blockages are caused by uncomfortable liver qi. If you just unblock the fallopian tubes, you will not solve the fundamental problem. Is it useful? ? The anger is so big, and the medicine for nourishing the kidney is added, aren't you adding fuel to the fire?

Therefore, although there are many reasons for infertility, emotional problems must be common to every infertile couple.

At this time, it is necessary to soothe the liver and regulate qi. Only by regulating the emotions and letting go of the pressure can the body recover.

I wonder if you have ever seen such an example? That is, a couple felt that there was no hope for them to have a child, so they went to a children's welfare home to adopt a child. As a result, they became pregnant not long after the adoption! Dear friends, are there many such examples?

So why is this happening? Some people say that this is the same spirit, and the child brings good luck. In fact, I think the reason is very simple. After adopting a child, the couple felt that their task was completed, and they finally no longer had any pressure on it, so they relaxed their mentality. In this state, they became pregnant.

Just the day before yesterday, I heard about another case where a couple adopted a child after failed in vitro fertilization, and the wife soon became pregnant.

Therefore, for such stressed couples, I usually tell them this truth. You may think that seeing a doctor is very simple. In fact, I think prescribing is very simple. I usually use foot soaking or diet therapy to solve the problem, but The core task is to clarify the truth. This task is very difficult. First, we must find the disease problem, and then use various methods to analyze it and clear the other party's mind, so that we can adjust.

I remember another winter, I went to Shandong, and a couple came to see me for health check-ups. They had not been pregnant for many years, and they had gone all over the country to undergo various examinations. At that time, they felt that there was no hope. I saw that his wife’s tongue was very sharp, indicating that there was indeed an emotional problem, so I chatted with them. I remember that we were in a hot pot restaurant at that time. , Don't worry, I just need to exercise more and do square dancing.

Then, I just introduced to them my prescription for soothing the liver by soaking feet.

When they were leaving, the couple took a special detour and found a fruit shop. They bought me a bag of particularly good apples. Although I refused, they sent it to the hotel.

I remember this detail clearly. I thought at the time that such a kind-hearted person will definitely be blessed.
As a result, when I went to Shandong later, this friend told me that his wife was five months pregnant, and this time he came to tell me.

I know that when I talk about this, my friends actually want to ask: "Dr. Luo, what is the foot soaking formula you mentioned to soothe the liver and relieve depression? Please give me the secret recipe!"

In fact, I have written this recipe many times. It is Zhang Zhongjing’s Bupleurum plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Decoction. I usually use it to treat insomnia, but for other diseases caused by liver qi discomfort, as long as the tongue is pointed, I will recommend it. Used for foot conditioning, the effect is very good.
The recipe is: 6 grams of Bupleurum, 6 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, 6 grams of Pinellia ternata, 6 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, 6 grams of Zhigancao, 30 grams of Poria, 30 grams of burnt dragon bone, 30 grams of burnt oyster, 6 grams of cinnamon twig, Six grams of turmeric, six grams of polygala, six grams of Cyperus, and six grams of white peony.

Basically used for foot soaking. If you need to take it orally, you can ask the local doctor to add or subtract it according to your own constitution, but you need to add three slices of ginger and twelve pieces of jujube (break apart) for oral administration.

Some people are obviously irritable and their tongues are very red. They will add 6 grams of raw ground, 6 grams of paeonol, and 6 grams of fried gardenia. It will be more secure if this party can ask the local Chinese medicine doctor to add and subtract on the basis of the prescription.

This recipe can be simmered for forty minutes, then divide the concoction into two parts, mix it with warm water in the morning and evening, and soak your feet for twenty minutes each time. The water temperature should not be too hot, and the water should cover the tops of the feet. Generally, soaking your feet for four or five weeks is enough.

You can refer to my book "Illustrated Tongue Diagnosis" for the specific tongue knowledge related to this prescription.

What needs to be made clear is that there are many reasons for infertility, and various methods, including traditional Chinese and Western medicine, should be used for treatment and conditioning. In Chinese medicine, there are many reasons for lack of righteousness, deficiency of qi and blood, and blood stasis. However, we need to know that the emotional factors of the husband and wife are one of the important factors, and the relaxation of the emotions of the husband and wife is very important.

Many people read my article and think that the biggest gain is a prescription. This is wrong. Frankly speaking, this prescription only plays a role in auxiliary adjustment. More importantly, it is emotional self-regulation and the ability to realize This, and carefully regulating your emotions, is what really pays off.
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