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Can I use fire soup for severe sore throat in spring?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Can I use fire soup for severe sore throat in spring?
In the spring of this year, many friends experienced sore throat. The specific symptoms were a little exogenous symptoms, but not so serious, but the sore throat was more obvious, and the medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification did not work well. So, why is this?

First, let’s take a look at the two comments from netizens on my WeChat official account:

"I suddenly caught a cold after Chinese New Year, and my throat was very painful, but my nose was runny and I didn't have a fever. What kind of medicine should I use? I read Dr. Luo's previous articles, and it was mentioned that Shouhuo Decoction can treat pharyngitis. Because it is acute pharyngitis, I used 90 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, 30 grams of Cornus officinalis, 15 grams of Poria cocos, and 9 grams of cinnamon. After taking two doses of medicine and taking watermelon cream to clear throat lozenges, I was cured. At that time, someone suggested that I take Shuanghuanglian orally. I think I just have a sore throat, no yellow phlegm and yellow nose, so it should not be a febrile venereal disease. Dr. Luo’s article just happened to guide the medication. Thanks to the great Chinese medicine doctor, thank you, Dr. Luo.”

Another netizen left a message: "Sore throat without flu symptoms. Taking Xiaoyanqing gunpowder was helpful at first, but it cured the symptoms but not the root cause and relapsed soon. Later, I thought of Fushan Yinhuo Decoction, using 30 grams of rehmannia glutinosa and 30 grams of yam each to boil water instead of tea. , The sore throat is gone the next day, the effect is super good, I recommend it to friends who need it, thank you Dr. Luo!"

I read the message, and I feel that these two netizens are really wise people. They (they) grasped the essence of the problem, and when they encountered difficulties, they could use it flexibly and solve their own problems in a timely manner. , the most important thing is: I didn't let myself take too much cold medicine by mistake.

Under normal circumstances, for the exogenous sensation that starts to cause sore throat directly, I would suggest using three-bean ebony plum white sugar soup. However, there are also serious cases where using Sandou Wumei White Sugar Soup has no effect. At this time, it is very likely that the kidney essence is insufficient.

Today, I will talk about the sore throat caused by the deficiency of kidney essence.

In the "Jingyue Quanshu" written by Zhang Jingyue, a famous doctor in the Ming Dynasty, he recorded a medical case of his own treatment:

medical case

A friend of Zhang Jingyue's name is Wang Pengque, who is in his thirties. He didn't know him at first, but later he met because he was suffering from throat problems. This throat patient has been suffering from more than ten days. When I saw Zhang Jingyue, he had "a large head and face, extremely thick throat, shortness of breath, hoarse voice, swollen throat and mouth sores". He was in great pain. In bed, unable to lie down and sleep, for several days. Zhang Jingyue checked his pulse and it was very weak. When he talked to him again, his voice was so weak that he seemed to be unable to utter a sound. Then I asked him about the medicines he had taken. It turned out that they were all heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines such as Scutellaria baicalensis, Coptis chinensis, Gardenia, Cortex Phellodendri (this is similar to the treatment of throat diseases we see today).

At this time, Zhang Jingyue judged, "This cover is caused by hurting the yin, and then it is forced by the cold, so that the cold prevails at the bottom, and the yang is at the top. It is difficult to enter water and the like, but you are especially afraid of irritability and heat." .”

Zhang Jingyue's analysis reached this point, and then said: "It's dangerous, if it's half a day late, we won't be saved."

So, a prescription was opened immediately, called: Zhenyin decoction.

For this Zhenyin decoction, the ingredients are replaced by modern ingredients, which are about 30-60 grams of rehmannia glutinosa, 6 grams of Achyranthes bidentata, 3 grams of roasted licorice, 4.5 grams of Alisma, 3 grams of cinnamon, and 3 grams of aconite.

After the medicine was boiled, Zhang Jingyue cooled the medicine juice with cold water, and then asked the patient to take it slowly.
This medicine was only taken once, and after one night, the swelling and pain in the patient's head disappeared completely. When Zhang Jingyue saw him again the next day, he was a thin scholar. Zhang Jingyue teased him and said, "Why were you so tall yesterday?" Then he was cured, and the people who saw it at that time were all admirable. Since then, the two have also become close friends.

So, everyone, take a look, Zhang Jingyue’s Yin Yin decoction, his idea is also a large dose of rehmannia glutinosa, with a little cinnamon tonifying the yang, he added aconite. The other drugs Achyranthes bidentata are used to induce blood, and Alisma is used to dispel dampness, and the doses of both are not large.

I said this way of thinking before, it is the deficiency of kidney essence, and Zhang Jingyue also said that the disease starts from the injury of yin. However, regarding the pathogenesis, Zhang Jingyue believes that "Yin is abundant at the bottom, and Yang is at the top", which seems to be different from the idea of ​​Shouhuo Decoction we talked about. Shouhuo Decoction is also a large dose of rehmannia glutinosa, with a small dose of cinnamon. It is generally believed that Shouhuo Decoction is to treat the deficiency of kidney yin, shallow water and not raising the dragon, which causes the fire of the dragon and thunder to run upwards. Similar prescriptions include Yinhuo Decoction, in which Morinda officinalis is mixed with rehmannia root, just as Chen Shiduo wrote in the prescription analysis of Yinhuo Decoction, "Si Shaoyin kidney fire has no place to hide, and it goes straight up to inflame the throat. The method of treatment should be to invigorate the kidney water, and add the fire-replenishing flavor to draw the fire back to Tibet." So are the two formulations really different?

In fact, this kind of treatment method already existed in Zhang Zhongjing’s Jinkuishenqi Pill. This prescription contains a large dose of rehmannia glutinosa, combined with a small amount of cinnamon and aconite. The treatment direction of this prescription has a kind of It is diabetes, and it is also a syndrome of scorching heat caused by endless thirst. It should be said that the ideas of later generations all come from this.
However, Wang Bing of the Tang Dynasty pointed out in the commentary under the sentence "the most serious ones follow it" in the "Internal Classics": "The severe disease is like a dragon fire. It gets wet and burns, and it burns when it meets water (fán). I don't know its nature. If you wet it with water, it will be enough for the flames to reach the sky, and it will stop when things are exhausted. Those who know their nature will pervert their principles, and if they are chased by fire, the burn will disappear by itself, and the flames will be extinguished." Physicians of later generations, based on these ideas, proposed the treatment method of "returning fire to the original source" (also written as "returning fire to the original source").

However, because the theory of this syndrome is not very perfect, there are many ambiguities in the names of later generations, such as the fire of yin deficiency and the fire of yang deficiency; both the fire with roots and the fire without roots; It includes both Ge Yang and Dai Yang.
In my opinion, in this question, we must grasp the word "essence deficiency". Essence is the source of life, which transforms into yin and yang. If essence is deficient, the kidney yin will be insufficient, causing the fire of life to run upwards without any attachment; essence deficiency Then lead to deficiency of kidney yang, stagnation of yin and cold in the kidney.
We will talk about it in detail when we have the opportunity, but if we do not grasp the concept of "fineness", it is indeed easy to fall into theoretical misunderstandings.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney stores the essence, and the kidney essence transforms into yin and yang. Kidney yin and kidney yang are in the kidney, interdependent and interdependent. The true yin in the kidney contains the fire of life (kidney yang), and the kidney yang can warm and nourish the internal organs. , the viscera have the warming and nourishing of Mingmen fire, so that they can perform normal functions. If the kidney yin is exhausted and the yin does not contain yang, symptoms of deficient yang will appear, manifested as upper heat and lower cold, and lower limbs feel cold, but flushed, dizzy, tinnitus, sore throat, mouth and tongue ulcers, sores, etc. .

Such patients usually have cold lower parts of the body, such as cold legs, feet, and knees, while the upper burner is prone to heat, and they often suddenly appear mouth ulcers, sore throat, red eyes, and headaches.

And when the seasons change, this situation will be more obvious, especially after the winter solstice and around the beginning of spring.

In this case, the patient's sore throat has another major feature, that is, the use of traditional Chinese medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification has basically no effect. Of course, antibiotics are also ineffective.

At this time, if you feel that the lower limbs of your body are relatively cool, the tongue is red, and the fever appears suddenly, you should consider whether you can use prescriptions such as Zhenyin Decoction or Shouhuo Decoction.

I will write the recipe for collecting fire soup again:
Rehmannia glutinosa 90 grams, cornus 30 grams, Poria cocos 15 grams, cinnamon 6 grams.

Decoct a bowl of water and take it warm, usually one or two doses.

It should be noted that this type of prescription with a large dose of Rehmannia glutinosa usually needs two or three doses. People with weak spleen and stomach will suffer from diarrhea if they use too much Rehmannia glutinosa. Don’t worry about it, and it will usually recover after stopping the medicine. of.

In addition, this kind of virtual fire and inflammation can indeed cause the real heat poison of the upper burner, such as severe oral ulcers. Although it is mainly caused by virtual fire, there are always some real inflammation infections. Therefore, sometimes, use One or two doses of Zhenyin Decoction, or Yinhuo Decoction and Suppressing Fire Decoction will relieve most of the illness, but there will still be a little sore throat or discomfort. My experience is that this is the remaining bit of real heat poison. At this time Then use a little heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine, and the effect will be immediate, and the battlefield will be cleaned up soon.

This spring, I have seen several cases of severe sore throat, which were all caused by the deficiency of kidney essence. This reminds us that there are more sore throats of this type now. So I propose, as a warning, not to say that all sore throats are caused by this, but we should be aware of this when conventional treatment methods are ineffective.

However, experienced Chinese medicine practitioners should recognize this situation at a glance, so that the patient's body can be restored immediately without having to go through a lot of trouble.
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