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Can I have sex after being sick?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

Can I have sex after being sick?
The questions that readers come to every day are varied, but after careful consideration, they are all the details of everyone's life, and indeed sometimes we can't think of them. For example, a friend sent me a private message on Weibo: "After the flu recovered, I had sex with my husband, and then I felt groggy every day, and my body has not returned to its original state. I don't know if it is my illusion or what is going on. Is it related to the same room?"

Well, today we will talk about recovery after illness.

In ancient times, it was very taboo to have sex before the body fully recovered after illness. Under normal circumstances, the ancients said that after suffering from a serious illness, or suffering from typhoid fever, that is, after today's exogenous infection, the body's righteousness is insufficient and has not yet recovered, and the limbs are loose. At this time, it is very likely that the evil spirit has not been completely eliminated. I feel healed, but having sex with husband and wife at this time will consume kidney qi and lead to the resurgence of external evils. The ancients called this "female labor recovery", and this "recovery" means repeated illness. There are also people who call this "Fang Fu", "Se Fu" and so on. This happens to both men and women.

The ancients believed that this kind of female labor recovery is the most serious of all diseases. The specific symptoms are described by some ancients as follows:

"Lack of weight, heavy head, dizzy eyes, low back pain, acute colic pain in the lower abdomen, or contraction in the yin, or aversion to cold and fever, frequent yin fire rushing up, hot head and face, and dysphoria. "("Fung's Kit Secret Record")

But there is a mystery here, which makes everyone dizzy, that is, Zhang Zhongjing talked about another situation in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", called "Yin-Yang Yi", what does this Yin-Yang Yi mean? It is a person who is suffering from typhoid fever, just right, and the remaining evils are not exhausted. At this time, he has sex and passes the disease to the other party. This is called Yin-Yang Yi, and the symptoms of Yin-Yang Yi described by Zhang Zhongjing are also like this:

"Typhoid fever with yin and yang changes is a disease. If the person is heavy in body, has little breath, less abdominal urgency, or contractions in the yin, the heat rushes up to the chest, the head is heavy and he does not want to lift, the eyes are full of flowers, and the knees and shins are anxious. Of."

You can see that the symptom descriptions of the two are almost the same, so what is going on?

Therefore, some people think that doctors of later generations confused Yin-Yang Yi and female Laofu, but it is not true. When the two are intercourse, the Qi and blood are turned, and the kidney Qi is consumed, causing residual evils to afflict, whether it is in the patient Whether in the body or in the opponent's body, the attack process is the same, only the etiology and pathogenesis are different.

In real life, there are not many yin and yang that are easy to see. The condition for it to appear must be that the other party's body is also very weak, so that there is such a possibility of being infected.

It is relatively common for women to return to labor, and one of the easiest reasons to explain is that they are more likely to catch cold during sex, which leads to patients who have not recovered from the cold here, and their illnesses recur. And a reason that is not easy to observe is the consumption of kidney essence and kidney qi, which leads to a change in the power ratio between righteous qi and evil qi, and the recurrence of the disease.

This kind of "female labor recovery" described by the ancients, in fact, many people today would not believe it, would they ask this science? In fact, this only shows that the ancients carefully observed the process of human illness. For people who are very strong and have sufficient righteousness, the problem may not be serious, but for people with insufficient righteousness and kidney deficiency, it will indeed be more or less have this problem.

During treatment, it is necessary to distinguish between cold and heat. If you are suffering from cold, you should take warm and hot medicine as soon as possible. , Wuyu...Still take one liter of Wuyu, stir-fry it with wine, and iron the abdomen." At this time, use warming medicine to warm the yang.

For fever, it is necessary to distinguish whether it is deficiency heat or excess heat. If the exogenous pathogens have begun to flourish and the exogenous pathogenesis has resumed, it is still necessary to clear away heat and detoxify, but at this time, it is necessary to cooperate with some traditional Chinese medicine for tonifying the kidney. According to febrile disease experts, this Telling Tuoxie to go out, Liu Baoyi from Jiangnan back then discussed it in detail.

If the external evils are basically eliminated, but the deficiency of kidney essence is more obvious, it is a deficiency of heat. The ancients described "the yin fire is always rushing up, the head and face are hot, and the heart is depressed" is the manifestation of the deficiency fire. At this time, I will use Chen Shiduo In addition, Chen Shiduo also has a kidney-reinforcing prescription for after illness: "Use one or two rehmannia glutinosa, three cents each of Ophiopogon japonicus, white peony root, Atractylodes macrocephala, and coix seed, five cents of schisandra, and three cents of cinnamon. , white mustard seed 1 qian. This prescription is specially for nourishing the spleen and kidney meridians, it does not need to tonify the internal organs, but all the internal organs are also tonified.” It can also be used as a reference.

Then, there is another question, that is, how long can I have intercourse again after being ill?

The ancients believed that after a hundred days, I think it is not so dogmatic. It is enough to recover the body feeling completely, but there is no harm in delaying it for a little time.

In addition, there are some descriptions by the ancients that we still need to observe. For example, the ancients believed that such a situation occurred, and it would lead to the death of the patient in serious cases. It is estimated that this kind of situation is rarely seen in modern times. It is estimated that they are extremely weak people. We just need to pay attention and don't need to be frightened.

So, what other problems will cause the recurrence of the disease?

1 "Food Complex"
It's just that I didn't eat well, which caused the disease to recur.

Speaking of this, I have to say that the ancients really observed and experienced carefully. This problem is indeed very big.

The so-called food recovery means that after the disease has recovered, the spleen and stomach are still weak, but because of the light diet during the course of the disease, the appetite has just opened up at this time, and the appetite has been greatly stimulated. Tolerance, eventually leading to disease recurrence. As Yu Genchu said in "Rewriting Popular Treatise on Febrile Diseases" in the late Qing Dynasty:

"After the fever subsides, the stomach qi is still weak, and the remaining evils are not exhausted. The first is clear porridge soup, the second is thick porridge soup, and the second is minced porridge. You must also eat it less and less. Do not overeat. If Nagu is too sudden , the transportation and transformation are not enough, and Yu Xie pretends to be stagnant and resumes work, which is called solar eclipse recovery."

This problem is relatively big now. Many of us don’t pay attention to this problem. After the illness, the whole family is happy, so let’s have a big meal. This kind of situation is very common. I hope everyone can pay attention to it. In general, you should eat lightly, and then gradually recover, and slowly return to a normal state.

If this problem occurs, if the condition is mild, the ancients said: "If you lose the grain, you will heal", which means that if you eat less, your body will recover. If the condition is severe, you may need to use some medicines for digestion and stagnation.

Similar to "food recovery", the ancients also said "alcohol recovery", which means drinking heavily before the body fully recovers, leading to relapse of the disease. This kind of situation is more common among alcoholics, and it also needs to be paid attention to.

2 labor recovery

Refers to the relapse of the disease caused by fatigue.
The ancients paid special attention to this. Zhang Zhongjing put forward the concept of labor rehabilitation very early on, and there were corresponding prescriptions. Later, Cheng Wuji, a master of Shanghan, commented:

"Toil is the labor of labor, and relapse is relapse. It is the relapse of typhoid fever due to labor. After the new typhoid fever, the blood and qi are not calm, and the residual heat is not exhausted. The heat from labor, the heat returns to the meridians, and then relapses. "

In this regard, Wu Shou, a famous typhoid expert in the Ming Dynasty, explained:

"Recovery from labor, the ancients said that it is like flooding a wall, and the wall collapses when the water recedes. It should not be committed. But you can lie down and keep quiet to nourish your energy. If you get up early to work, your blood will boil and generate heat."

This metaphor is more appropriate, that is, the body is relatively fragile at this time, just like a mud wall soaked in large water, and cannot be easily touched at this time.

Although modern people do not do much physical exercise, they still have work fatigue. After the exogenous infection, they should pay attention to rest. It is not advisable to resume full work immediately, so as not to give the body room to recover. Now the society always encourages those who persist in working even though they are sick. I think there is a problem with this orientation. If you keep green hills, you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood. If your health recovers, your work will be better in the future, but if your health breaks down, what else can you talk about? Work? We must be aware of this issue, and not be carried away by public opinion.

In the rehabilitation of labor described by the ancients, there is another situation, that is, when the disease is newly recovered, it is necessary to take a bath and freshen up, which leads to the recurrence of the disease. The ancients believed that this situation was caused by fatigue. My analysis is that the conditions of the bath are not good, resulting in a large temperature difference. , It is easy to sweat a lot when taking a bath, which will cause body fluid damage, which is not good for people who have just recovered, and then they will catch cold after coming out, which will lead to relapse. Today, although the conditions are better, this problem is sometimes unavoidable, so I can refer to the conditions at home. If the constant temperature cannot be guaranteed, I suggest that in the cold season, you can postpone taking a bath for a few days.

In the rehabilitation of labor, in addition to exhausting physical strength, there is also a kind of mental rehabilitation, which is also worthy of attention. Xu Shuwei, a master of Jingfang in the Song Dynasty, once had a medical case, which talked about this situation:

"Some people suffer from typhoid fever and sweat for several days. The body is hot and spontaneous sweating, the pulse is stringy and rapid, and the heart is restless. It is really returning from labor. The doctor said: It is caused by labor and heart, and it is what the gods give up. It has not returned to its original state. And If the spirit is injured by fatigue, and the honor and defense are lost, it is necessary to nourish the son, benefit the spleen, relieve the fatigue, and the common people are almost cured. Give the spleen tonifying decoction, and the Bupleurum decoction to relieve it."

After reading this medical case, I knew that he was really a master. For the rehabilitation of labor, I immediately analyzed that it was the recovery of labor and mind, so I used Bupi Decoction. For this kind of situation, today, we can use Guipi Pills instead. However, it is worth paying attention to this cause. We have many people who are restless. Everyone is thinking nervously every day, how to make money and how is the performance? When I am sick, I often feel physically uncomfortable, and all thoughts are lost. I think that I will take good care of my body and stop doing anything when I am cured. But as soon as I recovered my body, I became very ambitious, and the business plan came out again, and the state of racking my brains returned. However, your body has not really fully recovered. This kind of exhausting state will make your body tired. Xu Shuwei's medical case tells us this in detail.

3 emotional recovery

This means that after the illness, the body has just recovered, but there is emotional stimulation, which leads to the recurrence of the disease.

There was once such a case where the old man had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. He was recovering well and was about to be discharged from the hospital. However, at the time of checkout, the sons quarreled over who paid for it. From quarreling to violence, the old man relapsed in anger and finally passed away. . This is typical emotional recovery.

Chinese medicine believes that emotional activities have a great impact on the body. The spirit is pleasant and relaxed, which is conducive to the smooth movement of Qi and the normal metabolism of essence, blood, body fluid, and vigorous righteousness, which can promote the recovery of the body. If the seven emotions are tormented, causing qi and blood to be in disorder, and the functions of viscera are affected, it will be difficult for the body to recover.

Therefore, after being sick, try to adjust your mentality, don't get entangled, learn to let go, and don't be affected by the surrounding environment and make yourself feel bad. This is what every person who is recovering from an illness needs to pay attention to.

As for the possible recurrence after the disease, I will just introduce it here. However, it is not only the exogenous diseases that need to pay attention to these problems. Other diseases can also be used as a reference when recovering.
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