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Can being unhappy cause a cold?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Can being unhappy cause a cold?
A few days ago, a brother who was in good health suddenly caught a very severe cold. He had a sore throat, body aches, weakness, dizziness, fever, and fear of cold. Don’t underestimate this cold, it’s just a cold, which immediately made him feel “I don’t have any ambitions, I just want to go somewhere to rest honestly.” After reading my article, I ended up eating the anti-virus that I once introduced Oral liquid and Huoxiangzhengqi capsules were ineffective, so I asked me directly.

I asked him if there was any change in his mood before he caught the cold.

As a result, he was surprised and asked if it was related? It is true that something happened the day before, which made him very unhappy, very depressed, and also had a lot of worries. As a result, my throat started to swell and hurt immediately the next day.

So, I introduced him to take the Chinese patent medicine Xiaochaihu Granules, combined with a little Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid.

As a result, he replied the next day that he was much more relaxed after taking the medicine, and the next day, he came to WeChat and said that only the nasal sound was a bit heavy.

So why? What does bad mood have to do with a cold?

After seeing a child for a long time, experienced Chinese medicine practitioners will find that most of the child’s exogenous diseases are related to the disharmony of the child’s spleen and stomach. Basically, food accumulation is a basis for the child’s physical weakness. Then, when the child is blown by the wind and the external environment changes, Exogenous sensations are caused only when the body cannot adapt.

As for exogenous infections in adults, I think there are many people who are caused by emotional disorders and liver qi discomfort, which lead to stagnation of qi and the suppression of qi mechanisms, and then changes in external conditions, so the body cannot resist at that time, which causes the disease. exogenous.

So, I will summarize it as follows: children's exogenous diseases are mostly caused by food accumulation, and adults' exogenous diseases are mostly caused by liver qi discomfort.

So, is that really the case? Am I right?

In fact, in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the pathogenic factors mentioned are caused from the inside, including internal injury of the seven emotions, diet and fatigue;

Nowadays, many people read books and separate the internal cause from the external cause, thinking that the external cause is caused by the external cause, which is wrong. In fact, the two are closely related. The internal injury comes first, and the lack of righteousness leads to the invasion of exogenous diseases; and improper treatment of exogenous diseases can also cause internal injuries.

Just think about it, if the human body is full of qi and blood, the meridians are unobstructed, and the general external conditions change, will it cause exogenous diseases? No, this is the principle of "the righteousness is in the heart, and the evil must not be done". However, once internal injuries occur and the righteousness is weakened, a slight change in the external conditions will cause exogenous diseases.

Therefore, in most cases, the internal cause is the foundation, and only with this foundation can the external cause work. There are only a few times when the external cause changes are too strong, regardless of whether there is an internal cause or not, all people get sick at the same time. This is a very rare situation, such as a rare plague.

In modern society, everyone’s diet is often unhealthy, which is called intemperate diet, coupled with excessive consumption, which is called fatigue, so at this time, righteousness is already insufficient. Then, on this basis, coupled with powerful emotional imbalance factors, it leads to disordered Qi, which makes the body particularly fragile.

Therefore, internal injuries to the seven emotions are often the greatest enemy of modern people.

Once a person's emotions are out of balance, it will lead to discomfort of liver qi, stagnation of qi and blood stasis.

Because the liver is the master of dredging and regulating the movement of qi. If liver qi is stagnant, the qi movement will be difficult to run smoothly, thus creating an important pathogenic factor called "depression".

Once "depression" appears, the flow of qi and blood will not be smooth, and the body's function will decline. In this way, if the external conditions change slightly, exogenous diseases will easily appear.

Therefore, at the first mention of "a bad mood can cause a cold", everyone will be taken aback, but if you understand the relationship between the two, you will understand the truth.

It is very regrettable that there are many exogenous diseases caused by emotions such as bad mood, anxiety, tension, and depression.

It’s just that everyone didn’t connect the two before, and they all felt that they were simply blown by the wind. In fact, if you experience it carefully, you will find that most of the time when you catch a cold, it may be that you have encountered something unhappy, depressed or depressed. The down days, or, like the friend I started with, the next day.

Some friends are even like this. When something unhappy happens, they immediately catch a cold.

So, what medicine should be used for conditioning at this time?

I think if there is a Chinese medicine doctor nearby, I can ask the Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe a prescription, but if it is inconvenient to seek medical advice, I can use Chinese patent medicine to solve the problem. I recommend Xiaochaihu granules. In Chinese medicine prescriptions, this prescription is called Xiaochaihu Decoction.

This Xiaochaihu Decoction was prescribed by Zhang Zhongjing when he was treating Shaoyang Syndrome in Treatise on Febrile Diseases.

The so-called Shaoyang Syndrome is when the evil energy enters the half surface and half inside, which causes Shaoyang cardinal unfavorable and stagnation. The symptoms at this time, Zhang Zhongjing summed up, are roughly: bitter mouth, dry throat, dizziness, silent reluctance to eat, Upset and vomiting, full chest and hypochondrium, alternating cold and heat.

For these symptoms, Zhang Zhongjing said: "But once you see one, you don't have to have all of them."

As for the main prescription for treating Shaoyang Syndrome, Zhang Zhongjing used Xiao Chaihu Decoction.

In Article 96 of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", Zhang Zhongjing described the soup syndrome of Xiaochaihutang more clearly:

"Typhoid fever for five or six days, stroke, alternating cold and heat, fullness of chest and hypochondrium, hehe, not wanting to eat or drink, upset or vomiting, or chest irritability without vomiting, or thirst, or abdominal pain, or abdominal pain, or palpitations , Difficulty urinating, or not thirsty, with slight fever, or coughing, Xiao Chaihu Decoction is the main remedy.”

Zhang Zhongjing used this prescription to treat exogenous diseases, and it was the exogenous diseases of Shaoyang syndrome caused by the invasion of exogenous pathogens. At this time, the disease was characterized by a prominent "Yang" character.

However, later generations expanded the scope of application of Zhang Zhongjing's prescriptions to many fields of internal diseases, not just limited to exogenous diseases. For example, Bupleurum prescriptions are widely used in physical disorders caused by poor mood and uncomfortable liver qi.

Xiao Chaihu Decoction is used to treat Shaoyang disease. The Shaoyang meridian includes the Sanjiao Meridian of Hand Shaoyang and the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang. Therefore, Shaoyang disease is closely related to the physiology and pathology of Sanjiao and Gallbladder. The liver and gallbladder are related to the outside and the inside, and they are in charge of dredging and venting. Sexual happiness is strong and depression is not good. Therefore, Xiao Chaihu Decoction, which regulates Shaoyang syndrome, also regulates the liver and gallbladder. , is the channel of water-liquid metabolism and relative-fire parade, so Shaoyang disease often presents pathological changes such as internal stagnation of relative-fire, upper inflammation, abnormal dredging and excretion of Qi mechanism, and disturbance of water-liquid metabolism. Xiao Chaihu Decoction can regulate Qi movement, and the prescription has ascending and descending, undoes the triple burner, and unblocks stagnation, so it is very effective in the conditioning of Shaoyang Syndrome.

Poor emotions can also cause poor liver and gallbladder qi and stagnation of the three energizers. Therefore, we use the prescriptions for regulating Shaoyang syndrome to regulate physical problems caused by poor emotions, and the effect is also very prominent. This proves the theory of traditional Chinese medicine from another angle: "If there is a syndrome, then use the medicine." If we grasp this "syndrome", we can solve complicated problems.

Therefore, for adult colds, you can first find out the cause by yourself to see if there are factors that cause mood swings before. If so, you can check again to see if you have bitter mouth, dry throat, dizziness, poor appetite, upset, nausea and vomiting Feeling, fullness of chest and flanks, hot and cold, these symptoms, if you confirm that you are not in a good mood, basically one of the symptoms in it is enough, you can take this small Bupleurum granule. But what needs to be reminded is that pregnant women should use it with caution and use it under the guidance of local doctors.

The friend I mentioned earlier, in fact, I have no way of judging. It was only after hearing him mention "a little dizzy" that I asked him how he was feeling, and then confirmed it.

So, in the final analysis, it is really crucial to regulate emotions, figure it out, and let go.
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