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Blood sugar reaches standard after half a year of 25.9

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Blood sugar reaches standard after half a year of 25.9
"No one will get sick from eating whole grains. We must pay tactical attention to this disease and despise it strategically!"

Uncle He Jianmin from Xishuangbanna is 53 years old. He opens his WeChat circle of friends every day and posts pictures of the beautiful house under construction, the surrounding tropical fruits and fruit trees, and especially the various delicacies. If he hadn't often posted pictures of his blood sugar tests, it would be hard to believe that this was the living situation of a person who only got diabetes at the end of last year. Diabetes has not had a big impact on him. He is full of optimism about diabetes, life and the future, and enthusiastically shares his experience in sugar control.

At the end of last year, my mother was hospitalized in Kunming, and I stayed up late in the hospital to accompany her for more than two months. Later, my weight dropped sharply, and I developed diabetes symptoms of three more and one less. I went to the hospital to check my blood sugar level of 17. At the beginning, I was given glucose injections in the hospital, and my blood sugar soared to 25.9 for a period of time, which was incredible.

At that time, my mother was seriously ill and the family was preparing to build a new house. There was a leak in the house and it rained all night. All kinds of pressure came together. As the mainstay of the family, I knew I had to stay calm. When I saw my parents and wife worried, I took the initiative to persuade and guide them. It is with this optimistic attitude that we actively cooperate with treatment and monitoring. It's only been more than half a year now, and my blood sugar has been well controlled, basically within the normal range.

I had never thought that I would get diabetes. Looking back, it was because of my willful mouth. Especially as a minority in Yunnan, there are so many delicious things here. And they really dare to eat anything. They are well-deserved as they are called "Eighteen Monsters of Yunnan". They often set up a flowing table and eat and drink at gatherings. Since it is a disease caused by eating, then eat it back. Test your blood sugar more often and control your diet and exercise based on your blood sugar values. 100 test strips will be used up in less than a month!

How much each 10 grams of rice increases blood sugar and how much half an hour of exercise lowers blood sugar are all measured. What can and cannot be eaten are also measured. I usually write down everything I can eat, even if I can eat a little bit, and even more so if I can’t eat anything at all.

First of all, let me tell you that you can’t eat anything at all.

Various sugars and sugary snacks, refined starch snacks, canned fruits, preserved fruits and processed meats, sugary drinks and condiments, candies, pastries, ice cream, jams, processed honey, pigments, preservatives, etc.

When hypoglycemia occurs, the above sugary pastries or drinks that cannot be eaten can still come in handy.

Can eat a little bit

Pumpkins, potatoes, lotus roots, etc. that contain a lot of starch; fruits with a relatively high sugar content, such as grapes, persimmons, dates, mangoes, etc., especially typical tropical fruits, should be eaten less; nuts that contain a lot of fat and calories, such as peanuts, Melon seeds, walnuts, almonds, etc.; drink milk, yogurt, freshly squeezed juice, etc.; meats with a lot of red meat and oil, such as pork, beef, horse meat, mutton, donkey meat, etc.; seafood with high protein content, etc. .


You can eat more whole grains, especially oats; animal foods, fish, white meat (chicken, duck, etc.), healthy vegetable oils, various eggs; plant foods, green leafy vegetables, fresh beans, and various melons (Cucumber, bitter melon, winter melon, loofah, etc.), bamboo shoots, mushrooms, soy products, fruits with low sugar content, etc.

Personal experience is for reference only and may not be suitable for everyone. To verify whether you can eat, you can measure your blood sugar before and after a meal and compare it. If there is little fluctuation, it means you can eat. Monitor some foods more and you will naturally know which ones are suitable for you and which ones are not suitable. Don't confirm based on your feelings. Now I am confident enough to know how much and when to eat, what not to eat and when to exercise, it is very simple!

Diabetes does not mean that you cannot eat anything, let alone that you cannot eat enough. If you use rice as a dish and vegetables as a meal, it will be good and you will be full. The key is to have an accurate amount of carbohydrates. The more important thing is to keep your mouth shut and move your legs. You should adjust your post-meal exercise time based on your food intake and exercise amount that day. If I eat a lot and don’t do much that day, I will change my exercise time from 60 minutes after a meal to 90 minutes after a meal.

How can people not get sick if they eat whole grains? We must pay attention to him tactically and despise him psychologically! If God really wants you to go back to Xitian, go away happily! It’s not scary for people to get sick. What’s scary is that they don’t have the confidence or courage to face them! As the saying goes, the brave will win when faced with a narrow road, and it is more suitable to apply it to blood sugar control.

It has been almost a year since I got sick, and my blood sugar and blood pressure are now normal. My unhealthy lifestyle must change! It used to be a big raptor, but now it's a Cuckoo dragon. Change your life to a life that adapts to your current physical condition, even if your blood sugar and health are not good!

Uncle He’s sugar control experience can be summed up in three points:

1. Face things optimistically and proactively. When encountering each other on a narrow road, the brave will win!

2. Monitor blood sugar in a timely manner and adjust diet and exercise based on blood sugar levels.

3. Maintain a healthy and regular schedule, especially don’t stay up late.

I hope that all sugar lovers can find their own correct way to control sugar from Uncle He’s life experience.
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