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Blood sugar is hard to control if you don't pay attention to these 2 details when taking insulin!

By YL HE  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Blood sugar is hard to control if you don't pay attention to these 2 details when taking insulin!
Insulin is the only hormone that exists in the human body to directly lower blood glucose. In normal people, every time after eating, the body will automatically secrete insulin according to the blood glucose situation to lower the blood glucose, to maintain the blood glucose in the body steady and to ensure the normal metabolism of the human body.

Whether it is type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes patients, the body insulin absolute and/or relative insufficiency, most need to supplement exogenous insulin to control blood glucose. In real life, some sugar patients do not pay attention to or understand insulin therapy, and there are many misunderstandings, such as random dosage, wrong type of insulin, improper storage of insulin, untimely replacement of parts, etc., which can easily lead to serious consequences.

Prolonged injection in the same place leads to fat hyperplasia

One day, the ward admitted an 18-year-old patient with type 1 diabetes who came to the hospital because of poor blood sugar control. During the examination, it was found that the patient did not change the insulin injection site, long-term injection of insulin in the abdomen, the abdominal subcutaneous tissue thickening "rubber-like" lesions, hard texture, resulting in fat hyperplasia, insulin absorption is not good, the natural control of blood glucose is not good.

Because insulin is a growth factor, has the effect of promoting synthesis, repeated injections in the same place will lead to the part of the subcutaneous fat hyperplasia and hard knots, the drug absorption rate decreased, the absorption time is prolonged, resulting in blood glucose fluctuations. Once the fat hyperplasia occurs and hard nodules are formed, the best solution is to let the hard nodules absorb and recover by themselves, and rotate the insulin injection in other areas.

Fatty growths usually take months to years to absorb on their own, seriously affecting the health of sugar users. Fatty growths are closely related to the reuse of needles and infrequent changing of injection sites.

1. Do not reuse needles

When injection needles are reused, the residual liquid in the needle affects the accuracy of the injected dose, and if the residual insulin forms crystals, it can also clog the needle. Long-used needles cause hook bends that are not easily detectable to the naked eye, and the tip of the needle becomes blunt, increasing injection pain. Repeated use greatly increases the likelihood of needle breakage, which may cause the tip to partially break off in the body causing serious consequences, and also increases the risk of infection. With the increase in the number of times the needle is reused, it leads to the proliferation of subcutaneous fat, large fluctuations in blood glucose, blood glucose is not easy to meet the standard, insulin dosage increases, and complications may follow, and ultimately, the cost of treatment is greatly increased.

2. To change the injection site frequently

Insulin can be injected into four parts, according to the speed of absorption from fast to slow arrangement are: abdomen, outer upper arm, outer thighs and buttocks. Because these areas have a layer of insulin-absorbent subcutaneous fat tissue without a large number of nerves, there is relatively little discomfort when injecting.

Each site is injected for one week, rotating the injections so that each site can be well recovered. Patients should pay attention to the distance of one finger width between the injection points when rotating the injection sites, so as to greatly reduce the probability of fat hyperplasia.

When injecting in the abdomen, attention should be paid to injecting within a distance of one palm on both sides of 3~5 centimeters from the navel, the thinner the subcutaneous layer on both sides of the body, the easier it is to zap the muscle layer.

When choosing to inject on the thigh, the injection should be made in the front or outer side of the thigh, because the inner side of the thigh has more blood vessels and nerves distribution, which is not suitable for injection, and it is not suitable to exercise immediately after the injection, because strenuous exercise will accelerate the absorption of insulin, which will easily lead to hypoglycemia.

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