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At the turn of spring and summer, people with yin deficiency are beginning to get upset

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

At the turn of spring and summer, people with yin deficiency are beginning to get upset
In my life, I have such an experience that as soon as this season comes, there are more and more people quarreling and getting angry on the street. In the past few days, I have seen several such videos. There is a wife who makes her husband kneel in the street. Then went up and kicked; there was also a wife who wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the water because she didn't have her husband's mobile phone. Although this is related to their lack of upbringing, this season is indeed easy to get angry, and there are even more quarrels on the street. So why?

Chinese medicine believes that the human body corresponds to the world. In the four seasons of the year, spring corresponds to the liver and belongs to wood; summer corresponds to the heart and belongs to fire; long summer corresponds to the spleen and belongs to soil; autumn corresponds to the lungs and belongs to metal; winter corresponds to the kidney It belongs to water.

You see, in this model, spring corresponds to the liver, summer corresponds to the heart, one belongs to wood and the other to fire, so at the turn of spring and summer, some people will start to feel sad.

So, what kind of person is prone to problems this season?

It's the kind of person who is usually yin-deficiency and has a fire in his heart.

This kind of fire is false fire, most of them are not real fire. The so-called virtual fire is caused by the deficiency of the substance "yin". In the human body, "yin" is the substance that dominates tranquility and moisturization. It is a bit like the coolant in a car engine. If there is no coolant, the engine will be It's going to get hotter.

The same is true for the relationship between Yin and Yang in the human body. Under normal circumstances, for example, if both are 100, then Yin and Yang are balanced. However, if one day, Yin becomes 50, in this way, Yang is still 100, and there is no increase. However, compared with Yin, there will be 50 more. This creates false fire.

So, what symptoms do people with yin deficiency usually have?

People with yin deficiency are prone to dry mouth and thirst, always want to drink cold drinks, dry and hot eyes, usually hot hands and feet, but cold hands and feet in winter, easy to get angry when upset, dry stool, yellow urine, night sweats easily, easy Bone steaming hot flashes means that the body becomes hot with bursts of heat, the pulse will beat rapidly, the tongue coating will be very thin, or even no tongue coating, and the tongue will turn red.

This is the symptom of yin deficiency. People with yin deficiency will feel more comfortable in autumn and winter, but in spring and summer, they will feel very uncomfortable, upset, hot all over, and even have more physical problems. The disease is also likely to be exacerbated. Therefore, in the books of Ye Tianshi in the Qing Dynasty, such words are often written in the medical records of such patients, "Autumn and winter are easy to pass, but spring and summer are difficult to endure."

At this time, if there is still some real fire, it will be even more sad. For example, the person usually suffers from liver qi discomfort, and as a result, the liver qi stagnates and turns into fire. This is the real fire, which is excess heat. If the fire is real, it will add fuel to the fire, making it easier to lose your temper!

So, is it better to let out this fire, or not to let it out?

In fact, some of the usual fire is good to let out, don't get sulking, because sulking is the most harmful. However, the fire at this time is different from the usual fire, it has its own characteristics:

😤 I usually don't get angry when I encounter things, but I can't control myself at this time;

😤 Feel dry and hot inside the body, abnormal upset, even chest tightness, shortness of breath, and feeling short of breath when speaking;

😤 Getting angry quickly, not calming down, not thinking clearly, has already exploded.

The temper tantrum at this time, we must know that this is only a result, the result of physical imbalance, only by adjusting the body can we truly control our emotions.

So, how should you adjust your body at this time?

At this time, it is necessary to nourish yin and moisten dryness in time and replenish body fluid, which is really good for the body. Specifically, we will talk about:

💖 Take Chinese medicine:

At this time, you can ask the doctor to prescribe a prescription. If you take the medicine yourself, Liuwei Dihuang Wan is the most typical Chinese patent medicine for nourishing liver and kidney yin. If you feel that your lung yin is insufficient, you can take the flavored prescription of Liuwei Dihuang Wan. Weidihuang Pills; if you always feel your eyes are dry and hot, you can use Qiju Dihuang Pills; if you have severe night sweats, you can take Zhibai Dihuang Pills for a few days; Pills and more. There are many similar Chinese medicine prescriptions, and you can use them under the guidance of Chinese medicine.

💖 Diet Therapy:

Diet therapy is also very important at this time. For people with liver and kidney yin deficiency, it is best not to eat or eat less hot and spicy food at the turn of spring and summer, such as barbecue spicy soup, and eat less beef and mutton. You can eat some yam , lotus root, pork, duck, tremella and other nourishing yin products. Among the vegetables, cucumbers, water spinach, celery, etc. are all cool, and the pears, watermelons, etc. in the fruits are also cool and can be eaten. Especially in this season, many wild vegetables come down, many of which are cool and edible, such as shepherd's purse, dandelion, lettuce and so on.

What needs to be understood is: the food eaten at this time is cool in nature, but not cool in temperature. For example, dandelion has cool medicinal properties. If you eat it hot, its medicinal properties are also cool, and it has the effect of clearing away heat. Eat it frozen. In this season, even people with yin deficiency should try not to eat low-temperature frozen food, because this kind of food feels cool after eating, but it hurts the spleen and stomach, and eventually it will still make the body weak.

💖 Medicinal diet method:

At this time, you can make some medicinal food by yourself to nourish yin and moisten dryness. For example, you can use such a prescription: 9 grams of rehmannia glutinosa, 9 grams of raw land, 6 grams of medlar, 6 grams of ginseng, 6 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 6 grams of dendrobium, and an appropriate amount of lean pork soup, which is different from the one I introduced before. Raw and cooked keel soup is similar. This soup can nourish yin and moisten dryness. Drinking it twice a week can obviously improve physical fitness.

At this time, drinking some ebony soup appropriately can also play the role of sour and sweet.

I invited several teachers to dinner that day, and there was a very exquisite black plum soup during the dinner, so everyone asked the hotel how to make it, and the hotel was really serious, and immediately showed us the raw materials. Knowing that it turns out that the ingredients are real, that's why the taste is so good.

Below I will write down the specific method of ebony soup, which is as follows: five or six ebony plums, two spoons of sugar, a little tangerine peel, a little osmanthus, boil for two hours, and drink it as a drink. The so-called "a little" here, my approximate dosage is the amount you pinch with two fingers, which is the amount used.

At the restaurant that day, they added hawthorn to their ebony soup, so it tasted extraordinarily good. You can try it too.

Chinese medicine believes that "sour sweetness transforms yin", so ebony soup has a good effect of nourishing yin. We often use it to recuperate sore throats caused by insufficient body fluid and yin fluid deficiency when the weather is hot. The effect is good.

At this time, you can also drink a little herbal tea. Most herbal teas are aimed at the real fire, and most of them are traditional Chinese medicines for clearing away heat and detoxification. However, during the production process, the medicinal properties are reduced and made into drinks. Now most of our Chinese medicine practitioners are opposed to the indiscriminate use of herbal tea. However, if you find that you have excessive heat at this time, you can drink a little herbal tea, but it is fine.

💖 Restoration method:

In this season, don't over-consume, such as staying up late, such as exhausting your mind and mind, or even indulging in sex, which will damage the yin essence. Therefore, this season, pay attention to rest. We usually say that we are sleepy in spring and tired in autumn. At this time, ensuring sufficient sleep is particularly beneficial to the recovery of the body.

💖 Adjust emotions:

At this time, you can take more care of your body and mind, such as traveling, such as taking a walk every day. You can also participate in various relaxing activities, such as singing and so on. At the same time, if you can learn some Chinese knowledge, such as reciting Buddhist scriptures, that would be the best thing, or listening to the "Tao Te Ching" I explained in the WeChat public account "Da Lun Academy", will also improve the realm, see It is helpful to clear up the affairs of the world, but once a person's heart is clear, it is difficult to lose control over small things.

Just when I was writing this article, I saw this news on the Internet again. A private car driver beat up the taxi driver on the street because he slowed down while driving. This is to try the law by oneself. Presumably such a person has poor moral cultivation, and at the turn of spring and summer, his anger is strong, so he will catch fire and become furious. This will cause great harm to everyone.

Every year in this season, I can clearly feel that the violence of people driving on the street has increased significantly, and there have been more quarrels. I think, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, we can also do our best to regulate this situation.

Summer is coming, this is a particularly beautiful season, in the sunny weather, under the shade of lush green leaves, I hope everyone will be more peaceful and happy, and I hope this world will become more and more harmonious.
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