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are your liver qi uncomfortable? Learn about Xiaoyao Wan!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

are your liver qi uncomfortable? Learn about Xiaoyao Wan!
Xiaoyao Pill is a famous prescription through the ages. I have talked about it before, but it is far from enough to talk about such a famous prescription once. There are too many meanings in it, so I will talk about it again today. In today's society, this prescription really needs us to understand.

This prescription, originally called Xiaoyao San, comes from the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription". Coarse powder, and then boiled in water, which saves more medicinal materials, so it was called Xiaoyao San at that time. Today, we have made this prescription into pills, which is more convenient for us to take.

So, what aspect of our body does this prescription regulate?

In the past, the ancients said this prescription: "cure blood deficiency and hyperactivity of fire in the liver, headache, dizziness, redness, bitter mouth, tiredness, polydipsia, depression and unhappiness, pain in the flanks, cold and heat, heavy weight in the lower abdomen, irregular menstruation in women, and strong and stringy pulse. And false."

Next, let's analyze the indications and indications of this prescription!

First of all, we have to make it clear that this prescription treats the condition of liver qi discomfort. Such patients are basically in a bad mood, depressed, unhappy, and angry. (Speaking of this, it is estimated that many friends are starting to check their seats!)

Everyone, this bad mood is the beginning of everything. Let's take a look at this recipe from this fuse!

When a person is in a bad mood and unhappy, he will have anger, which will burn the liver yin. Therefore, at this time, the person's liver yin starts to be insufficient. People with insufficient liver yin will lead to more serious anger. At this time, the anger will rise, leading to People have various problems such as dizziness, tinnitus, and red eyes.

This kind of dizziness comes in bursts, and I often feel like I’m flickering for a few seconds. Of course, there are also more serious ones; and this kind of tinnitus is a sudden burst, which can cause upset. Some people describe this kind of tinnitus as a roar, At the same time, it feels like the eyes are on fire.

Another burning symptom caused by anger is bitter mouth and dry mouth. This bitter mouth, basically as soon as it appears, we can take it as a qualitative sign of liver qi discomfort and anger. Many people have reported, why do I have a bitter mouth in the morning? I basically asked right away: Are you stressed?

So, what should we do about this deficiency of liver yin? In this Xiaoyao pill, two herbs of white peony root and angelica are used to solve this problem. Just like the analysis in "Deleting and Filling Famous Doctors' Prescriptions": "Danggui Paeoniae nourishes the blood and nourishes the liver." White peony softens the liver and restrains liver yin, and cooperates with Angelica to nourish blood. It is really precise and appropriate. Therefore, some experts even believe that this white peony root is the monarch drug, which is different from the traditional Bupleurum root as the monarch drug.

In addition, due to poor mood, liver qi stagnation and discomfort will lead to depressed qi movement. This is the characteristic of all people with liver qi stagnation. Stuffy ground, you need to breathe out, sigh, and then feel pain on both sides, which is especially obvious for women before menstruation.

At this time, liver qi is stagnant, just like a tree that you do not let it grow upwards, but suppresses it, it will grow in a horizontal direction, which is the liver qi is rebellious. At this time, it is most likely to bully the organs, It is the spleen and stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine, this is called liver qi reversing the spleen and soil.

Therefore, people with uncomfortable liver qi generally have poor spleen and stomach and are prone to various problems. All kinds of bloating, fullness, belching, and acid regurgitation. Friends often ask: Why do I return acid water? In fact, this is caused by the liver qi being reversed, which prevents the stomach qi from descending and reverses upwards.

Then, the consequences will become more and more serious. When the spleen and stomach are continuously injured, it will cause spleen deficiency, and symptoms of weakness and fatigue will appear in the limbs, while spleen deficiency and weak rustic air will more easily lead to the abuse of liver wood.

Therefore, the idea of conditioning at this time is to nourish the spleen as soon as possible while soothing the liver. This is Zhang Zhongjing's idea of "seeing liver disease, knowing the liver and spleen, and strengthening the spleen first". At this time, Xiaoyao Wan, the prescription, is divided into two groups, one uses Bupleurum to soothe the liver, and the other uses Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, and licorice to invigorate the spleen.

Everyone, take a look, the famous prescription is thoughtful, a few simple medicines, basically every aspect has been taken care of.

A person who is in a bad mood for a long time will definitely suffer from liver qi discomfort, which will lead to blood deficiency and spleen deficiency. These three problems are mutually causal and affect each other. Spleen deficiency will aggravate liver qi discomfort, and blood deficiency will aggravate liver fire inflammation. I once said that this is an "iron triangle", a vicious circle of three factors, which leads to more imbalance in the human body.

In this case, there are two other symptoms that we need to talk about.

Abdominal Pain and Urinary and Urinary Problems

One is that anger can cause pain in the lower abdomen and problems with defecation. Some women have pain in the lower abdomen. This lower abdomen is the subumbilical part of the abdomen, which is closely related to the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin.

"Lingshu" said: "The pulse of Jueyin of the foot passes through the genitals and reaches the lower abdomen." It also said: "When the liver is distended, the lower side is full, and the pain leads to the lower abdomen."

And "Su Wen" said: "The reversal of Jueyin will cause swelling and pain in the lower abdomen, abdominal distension, and it will be unfavorable to urinate."

So when encountering this kind of pain in the lower abdomen, some people have inexplicable pain on one side of the lower abdomen, and the examination can't find anything. I often have to ask her about her emotional aspect, whether there is a problem.

In addition, because the female reproductive system is located in the lower abdomen, the liver meridian is closely related to the female reproductive system. If the liver qi is uncomfortable, the first thing that is likely to occur is irregular menstruation. In addition, many gynecological problems are often related to Liver Qi stagnation is related, this problem must not be ignored!

As for the discomfort of liver qi affecting defecation, this is very common. Among the people with constipation, many young women are caused by emotions. In addition, many people suffer from diarrhea when they are nervous, which is also a manifestation of liver qi discomfort.
hot and cold

Another symptom to be mentioned is the alternating cold and heat. In today's words, it is hot and cold. So, why do people with uncomfortable liver qi feel hot and cold?

Many people may feel this symptom, but they have not experienced it carefully. Let me tell you about it.

First of all, when the anger is high, the anger will attack the lungs, which is also called wood fire punishment. In other words, it was originally Jin Kemu's, but the anger was too great, and it turned around and melted the lung gold! Therefore, people with uncomfortable liver qi rarely have completely healthy lungs. Even some severe mental trauma can cause severe lung disease and even induce lung cancer.

At this time, the lung metal is suppressed, and traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lung governs the skin and hair. If the lung metal is suppressed, there will be problems in protecting the body's surface qi.

However, is this person's body really cold? No, the anger inside is still strong! Therefore, whenever there is a chance, dry and hot mouth and even sweating will appear again.
Everyone, do you know if there is such a person who is afraid of the wind and cold, and feels that his body is cold, especially when he is outside, but once he is indoors, he immediately starts sweating again, feeling very thirsty and upset. Alternating between the two is really driving people crazy.

Therefore, some friends always ask me: Is my body actually Yang-deficiency? Or is it yin? Why is it so cold and hot? I will answer, you are neither yin deficiency nor yang deficiency, your liver qi is stagnant.

So, you see, such a simple prescription: Bupleurum, white peony root, angelica, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, roasted licorice, plus some ginger and mint, is the Xiaoyao pill we saw today. If the anger is more obvious, add Take Danpi and Gardenia two medicines, Danpi relieves liver fire, Gardenia clears heart fire, and the effect of removing fire is better. This prescription is Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan, also called Danzhi Xiaoyao Wan. In today's pharmacy, They are all for sale.

I always say that there are patent medicines in every pharmacy for such a famous prescription, but there are too many people around us who are suffering from uncomfortable liver qi. If we understand the truth of it and use it to regulate ourselves Body, how wonderful that would be!

However, this prescription, and a medicine introduction, we must use together, that is: go to my official account "Dalun Academy" and listen to my lecture on "Tao Te Ching"! Let yourself really figure it out, let go, and not get entangled. In this way, the body and mind are adjusted, and it is really good for yourself! (Quietly make an advertisement, hehe)

That day, watching the TV series "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", the characters in it said "Seventy thousand years ago, what happened to you and me", many people immediately envied: "Shangxian, why are you so happy?"

But I think, in fact, if you live unhappy and opaque, living 70,000 years will be a great torture; if you live open-minded and happy, living a hundred years will be very easy, right?

So, all the gods, let's not get entangled, let's be happy!
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