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An effective way of treating gout that you never imagined

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

An effective way of treating gout that you never imagined
Gout is a very common disease nowadays. There are many men with this disease, and women only account for about 5%. Now studies have shown that in general gout patients, there will be problems with high blood uric acid, and the metabolism of purine substances in food will appear question. Usually, gout is related to unreasonable food intake. For example, long-term consumption of fatty, sweet and delicious seafood, coupled with beer, is prone to gout. That is to say, the eating method of Cheon Songyi in "My Love from the Star" Fried chicken and beer are a bit dangerous if eaten often.
Now in the treatment of gout, most people are advised to avoid food and stop eating delicious food, but the medicines taken are relatively limited, such as Tripterygium wilfordii preparation, although it has some effects, but the side effects are relatively large.

Regarding this gout, my thinking is a bit special. I think why some people have no problem when they eat the same food, while others cannot metabolize it? The key problem is the lack of righteousness. The kidneys play a very important role in the process of metabolism and excretion of blood uric acid. High blood uric acid will directly affect the kidneys. Therefore, there are many kidney diseases caused by gout.

So, at this time, if you simply avoid food, there will be no end, because the kidney qi is insufficient, as long as you eat again, you will immediately fall ill. Therefore, taboos are necessary, but they are definitely not the only way.

At this time, there are still doctors who advocate to vent the turbidity. I think it is possible to vent the turbidity, but simply using medicine to help the body expel it is also fighting on behalf of the body. Once the medicine is not used, will the body excrete it by itself? Therefore, turbidity defecation should be used in emergencies, but at ordinary times, we still need to think of new methods.

I think that at this time, replenishing kidney qi is a good way. When kidney qi is sufficient, you can excrete phlegm in your body. Isn't this the fundamental solution?

So, what medicine should be used to invigorate the kidney?

At this time, an unexpected experience provided me with ideas.

I have a friend who accidentally asked me one day: "Dr. Luo, why do some of my friends who suffer from gout accidentally take Wuji Baifeng Pills, and their gout is cured? Later, several people took it and saw results. Why is this?" "

When he asked about this, I paid attention. When I thought about it carefully, this black-bone chicken and white phoenix pill was really appropriate!

The prescription of Wuji Baifeng Wan has a long history. It was first recorded in "Shou Shi Bao Yuan" written by Gong Tingxian, a physician in the Ming Dynasty. It was used by the Queen Mother of the West and her concubines, and was once regarded as a medicine specifically for women. After clinical practice, it has been found that Wuji Baifeng Pills have multiple uses.

The ingredients of this recipe are: black-bone chicken (depilled claw sausage), antler glue, turtle shell (made), oyster (calcined), mulberry octopus, ginseng, astragalus, angelica, white peony root, Cyperus cyperi (made from vinegar), asparagus Winter, licorice, rehmannia glutinosa, rehmannia glutinosa, Ligusticum chuanxiong, silver bupleurum, salvia miltiorrhiza, yam, Gorgon fruit (fried), antler cream.

In this recipe, in addition to black-bone chicken, ginseng, astragalus, angelica and other medicines for nourishing qi and blood, as well as medicines for nourishing yin and clearing deficiency heat such as rehmannia glutinosa and asparagus, and cyperus for soothing liver and regulating qi , antler glue that warms the kidney and helps yang, etc. Looking at this prescription, it is both Yin and Yang tonic, taking into account both the liver, spleen and kidney. It is generally believed that Wuji Baifeng Wan has the functions of nourishing qi, nourishing blood, regulating menstruation and stopping vaginal discharge. It is mainly used for irregular menstruation and leucorrhea caused by deficiency of both qi and blood. It is a special drug for women. Modern pharmacological studies have also confirmed that the drug has the functions of promoting hematopoietic function, inhibiting uterine smooth muscle contraction, hemostasis, liver protection, anti-inflammation, and lipid-lowering.

But, can this prescription be used by men?

In fact, who stipulates that a certain prescription is gender-specific? As long as it is symptomatic, it can be used. None of the drugs in it are written to be used only by women.

Now more and more people find that this prescription has a wide range of applications, such as male prostate disease, this prescription has a very good effect on kidney deficiency.

I think that most gout patients have insufficient spleen and kidneys and are unable to excrete turbidity. Therefore, it is very important to nourish the spleen and kidneys. This prescription is also combined with medicines to comb the liver meridian, which is more suitable, because gout usually occurs on the big feet. Thumb, this is where the Liver Meridian runs, and the two fit perfectly.

Moreover, this prescription is relatively peaceful, and it belongs to the maintenance prescription of the tonic category. For gout patients with spleen and kidney deficiency, this prescription is currently the most effective prescription I have seen.

Why am I writing this article? It was because once, when I was giving a lecture in Dongguan, Guangdong, an entrepreneur said to me during the meal: "Mr. Luo, thank you for recommending this Wuji Baifeng Wan in your last lecture. I gave it to my brother-in-law, and he started eating it." I was ashamed to eat it, but I forced him to eat it later, he suffered from severe gout, but now he has recovered, and now he went to the hospital for an examination, and the blood uric acid was completely normal, and when we had dinner a few days ago, he dared to eat seafood again!"

I was very happy to hear such news. During the meal that day, everyone was very curious about this matter. Many friends said, really? But this is embarrassing to eat!

There is a saying in Chinese medicine, "If there is a symptom, use the medicine." Whoever it is for, as long as it is symptomatic, why not use it?

However, during the banquet, I still gave everyone an idea, that is, if your family members have gout, you can buy Wuji Baifeng Wan, but throw away the packaging box and change it to another packaging, and then say to your family members, This is a nourishing "secret recipe". I finally got it from Hong Kong. You can try it, because Cantonese people trust Hong Kong medicine more, so I think he will definitely take it. It's not too late to tell him the truth after the gout is cured.

But what I want to tell you is that I advocate taking this prescription when gout is not acutely attacking. If it is acutely attacking, some doctors suggest taking a few Longdan Xiegan pills during the attack, which will quickly relieve the pain. Now Tongrentang Gendan Xigan uses Baimutong, which is relatively safe. I think this idea is reasonable. During an acute attack, it is also possible to take other targeted drugs. Then, take Wuji Baifeng Pills, which is a slow map.

Some friends will ask, how long does it take to eat?

I think it is necessary to have a check-up, usually a course of half a month, you can go for a check-up in half a month, it should be consolidated after the blood uric acid is normal.

However, I must emphasize that this Wuji Baifeng Pill is not a specific medicine for gout. I think this idea is very good. At the same time, it will only have a certain effect on spleen and kidney deficiency. If the condition is serious, Regular treatment is still needed, and I position this prescription as "it will have a certain auxiliary effect on patients with spleen and kidney deficiency".

At the same time, I would like to remind everyone that many friends only pay attention to the onset of gout and are sensitive to pain. If there is no pain, they don't care much about it. But what needs to be known is that the pain attack of gout is just the result, it is just a manifestation of the disease, and other parts of the body will also have problems at this time. We should pay more attention to the index of blood uric acid. Consider changing your living habits and need to adjust. Don't think that if there is no pain recently, everything will be fine. This is the concept that health education needs to tell everyone.

Now, due to changes in living habits, more and more diseases are caused. These diseases will cause people to suffer a lot. For this gout, kidney diseases and even kidney failure caused by it are very common now. For patients Inflicted immense pain and loss. Therefore, it is very valuable for us to find solutions from various angles.

Hopefully, we have more ways to protect everyone's health!
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