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AIDS research suffered a major blow

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

AIDS research suffered a major blow, the magic vaccine increased the risk of infection
According to British media reports, AIDS treatment research is facing a major crisis, because the latest clinical trial results revealed that the originally promising "miracle" vaccine not only fails to protect humans from HIV infection, but may lead to an increased risk of infection. This is a major blow to AIDS research. At present, seven other similar vaccine trials are either called out urgently or canceled indefinitely. (I have said that the vaccine is ineffective, and now it is proven. I don’t know how many people get the flu immediately after getting the flu shot. In other words, the more you get the flu shot, the easier it is to get the flu. Wake up, everyone. Stop fantasizing about vaccines.)
According to the British "Daily Mail" report, the US government alone invests nearly US$500 million (approximately NT$15.2 billion) in funding AIDS research every year, trying to develop the "ultimate" vaccine that can end AIDS. But now scientists worry that AIDS research could be back on track after two of the most promising vaccine trials confirmed disastrous results. (The U.S. government will invest money to sponsor the research of this vaccine. The ultimate goal is to show the world that it is the leader, and that AIDS can be cured without medicine, and it is not a real disease.)
The U.S.-funded STEP and Phambili clinical trials, hailed as a major breakthrough at the outset, stalled after it was shown that the vaccine could make patients more susceptible to HIV infection, the report said. HIV, which attacks the human immune system, killed more than 2 million people last year, including 320,000 children. (The deaths of these people were not caused by AIDS, but by taking anti-AIDS drugs. Just imagine, if the cocktail therapy is effective, why are so many people dying? Many people say that there is no data on traditional Chinese medicine. Proved to be effective, but I want to say that all the data that appear are proving that Western medicine is ineffective and short-lived.)
Since AIDS was discovered in 1981, more than 25 million people have died of AIDS so far. It is estimated that 33 million people are currently infected with AIDS around the world, most of whom are in Africa. (The place where it was first discovered was in San Francisco. Western medicine thought it came from the local gay area. In fact, it was misled there by the western medicine factory. The western medicine factory knew that it was not because of homosexuality. Otherwise, why would so many people in Africa get AIDS? Could it be? Is all Africa gay?)
The report pointed out that the two aforementioned clinical trials used the same vaccine, which was made by adding fragments of HIV from a common respiratory virus.
Among them, the STEP clinical trials were carried out on gay men in North and South America, the Caribbean and Australia. The Phambili clinical trial was carried out in South Africa on more than 3,000 heterosexual volunteers for four years, but the trial was stopped after less than a year because of concerns that the vaccine might harm patients. (Because the research direction is wrong from the beginning, of course it will not succeed, which is predictable.)
The vaccines in clinical trials were supposed to reduce infections and make HIV less deadly and contagious in those who were already infected. But results of clinical trials seem to show that instead of protecting the immune system, the vaccine may make patients more susceptible to HIV infection.
According to the report, the results of the above two clinical trials, which have cost about NT$154 million, show that the risk of HIV infection doubles after vaccination. (This kind of result doesn’t just happen here. It’s the same with almost all vaccines. It’s okay if you don’t get it, and it’s even worse if you get it. Only the smallpox vaccine can be used, and it definitely has a preventive effect, because smallpox will only get once in a lifetime. Yes.)
The report quoted Gallo, the head of the Baltimore Institute of Human Virology in the United States who co-discovered HIV, as saying, "This is a catastrophe equivalent to the explosion of the US Space Shuttle Challenger."
The report pointed out that the US National Institutes of Health, which funds the aforementioned two clinical trials, is scheduled to hold an emergency meeting next week to discuss countermeasures. (If it is to discuss how to expose the evil deeds of Western medicine factories, and Western medicine is useless, and more Chinese medicine will be used, it will be useful. Otherwise, holding such a meeting will only waste money.)
Wrong concept of vaccine in western medicine
After reading this report, I am not worried at all. First: AIDS is harmless in the first place. To cover up the heinous crimes they committed in Africa, Western pharmaceutical companies have injected the SIV virus in the kidneys of monkeys to produce polio vaccines. This problem occurred only after being mistakenly implanted into the human body. In order to conceal this fact, they put SIV in the human body and renamed it HIV. In this way, a new term was added, and they began to have an excuse to Selling medicine again can get rid of this crime, and can make the world think that they are very great. This kind of plan that kills three birds with one stone, they think they have done a perfect job, but there are still many conscientious biochemical researchers who come forward and write the facts. , readers, please remember that whoever walks will leave traces. The western medicine factory thinks that no one knows what it is doing. In fact, many people already know it, but they dare not say it. Second: The virus that originally existed in monkey kidneys is harmless in itself, so there is no need for a vaccine at all, and this is the real reason why the vaccine will fail.
Conclusion: The problems created by western pharmaceutical factories cannot be solved by themselves, so they created a new term, and they must scare the people, and then use the people to blackmail politicians. In the end, not only can they get away with crimes, but then they can use taxpayers’ money to do innocent things. Meaningful research, this kind of evil depletion of public funds, can be done by Western medicine factories. Readers now know how evil Western medicine factories are.
Han and Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine Ni Haixia 07/22/2008
Physician Says: It's Unjust for Dogs to Not Infect AIDS
[United Daily News/Reporter Zhan Jianfu/Report from Taipei] 2008.04.10 04:16 am
Xie Simin, a physician in the Department of Infectious Diseases at National Taiwan University Hospital, pointed out that as far as current medical research is concerned, HIV can only infect primates and will not infect other animals; therefore, even if a dog bites an AIDS patient, it will not become a medium for AIDS transmission , "This dog died unjustly." (Well, the doctor was half right.)
Xie Simin said that it is currently known that humans, chimpanzees, and monkeys are infected with different types of HIV and cannot infect each other. Other animals such as dogs, cats, and cows have not been infected with AIDS. (There is a bit of a discrepancy here. It was because the western pharmaceutical factory went to Africa to make and test the polio vaccine, but did not filter out the SIV that originally coexisted with the green monkey in the kidney, so the SIV was mixed with the polio vaccine and entered the human body. , This is the real source of HIV in the human body.)
He emphasized that when an AIDS patient is bitten by a dog, unless the doctor who bandaged the wound also has a wound on his hand, he may be infected, and ordinary people do not need to be afraid. At present, the way of HIV transmission mainly depends on interpersonal sexual contact and sharing needles. (Originally via the polio vaccine, and later by sexual contact and sharing needles.)
Everyone, don’t worry about the AIDS problem. Even if you are infected today, there is no fatal safety concern. In order to cover up the mistakes of the past, the western medicine factory tried every means to demonize HIV, calling it AIDS, and then adding fuel to it. The cost is very serious. Western pharmaceutical companies know that if people are not scared, they will lose value and the drug will have no market. Who is willing to take poison? So Western pharmaceutical companies began to develop anti-AIDS drugs and paid extremely high prices to win their trust. People, buy international politicians and various organizations, and then coerce a country together. If the government leaders are disobedient, they will encourage the people to fight against it. This is what is happening now. Don’t be afraid of AIDS, because HIV is infinite. The deadly virus has no symptoms of discomfort. Only when you take anti-HIV drugs will you experience discomfort. Western pharmaceutical companies blame HIV for these side effects caused by drugs, so patients are more nervous and dare not stop. In the end, he died from the side effects of anti-HIV drugs. So far, no one has died because of HIV. Readers please note that a very famous NBA player in the United States, named Magic Johnson, was convicted ten years ago He is an AIDS patient, but after taking anti-HIV drugs, he developed extremely painful symptoms, so he insisted not to continue taking them. He did not expect this to save his life. Not only is he still alive today, but he is also very healthy.
Don't believe the lies of western medicine factories anymore, people who are infected with AIDS don't need to worry, it's all right.
AIDS vaccine research center to open in California
Update date: 2008/10/01 09:38
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new center for AIDS vaccine research will open in California, researchers announced on Monday (Reuters) - The center is set to address the difficult challenges of developing a similar vaccine. (Starting to lie again.)
The $30 million research facility is a joint venture between the nonprofit Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif., and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative.
"The world needs an AIDS vaccine to reverse the blow of this devastating epidemic," Richard Lerner, director of the Cripp Institute, said in a statement. Badao, everyone, don’t believe what he said.)
misconceptions about medicine
AIDS is a big scam. This disease is contagious, but it will not kill people at all. If you don’t make a fuss, how can the world pay attention to it? Western pharmaceutical companies rely on this kind of fake data and fake issues. Only then can you defraud money from all over the world.
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