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Aids ravages Kenyan life expectancy index drops to 49 years old

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

Aids ravages Kenyan life expectancy index drops to 49 years old
"In Kenya, a major country in East Africa ravaged by AIDS, the life expectancy index of the people will drop from 60 to 49 years old. UNAIDS and UNICEF even estimate that before 2010, Kenya will There are 1.5 million AIDS-carrying orphans. (Because Western pharmaceutical companies are experimenting with people in these areas, such as various vaccines, including injecting ignorant people with AIDS test vaccines, of course there will be so many people Get AIDS. In order to develop an AIDS vaccine, of course people have to get AIDS first.)"
"Ms. Enykar, director of the Kenya Medical Service Center, said that there are currently 200,000 orphans and children in Kenya infected with HIV, and among the reported cases, about 10% are children under the age of five. These children Most of them are vertically infected through the mother's body. (Kenya is where Western pharmaceutical companies develop new drugs and new vaccines, of course)"
"Nikal said that the Prevention of Mother-to-Mother Infection Program sponsored by the African Medical Foundation will try to reduce the number of HIV-positive children in children by 20 percent by the end of this year, and is expected to drop to Fifty percent. (The real purpose of announcing this news is to pave the way for Western pharmaceutical factories, so it is only natural that Western pharmaceutical factories will be recognized by all countries in the world, allowing them to use these people as living test products for AIDS vaccines. A discerning person Just look at it and you'll know what it's doing.)"
"The reason why AIDS is rampant in these backward countries in Africa is that in the early 19th century, Western pharmaceutical companies developed many vaccines, such as polio, and so on. They could not use their own people for experiments in their own countries, and they would be accused of death. , but no living people could be found to do experiments, so people in these poor African countries were used to conduct live experiments, leaving behind the scourge of today. In addition, these people who live a very primitive life still live by hunting, They use poisonous weeds like datura flowers as anesthetics for hunting and anesthesia for wounds, so there are too many toxins in their bodies, and now the western medicine factory makes a fuss about AIDS to scare the world, so they can again Then develop new and more poisonous drugs, and then sell them to people, and the result of such a vicious circle is the self-destruction of human beings."
"The conclusion is: the instigator of this kind of AIDS is the western medicine factory itself, as well as the people who like to take drugs. Of course they don't admit it. Western pharmaceutical companies continue to behave like this, otherwise what will our next generation do?"
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