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Agarwood, a medicine for regulating qi

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Agarwood, a medicine for regulating qi
Qi medicine

Drugs whose main function is to regulate qi and are often used to treat qi stagnation and qi inversion caused by qi imbalance are called qi-regulating drugs, also known as qi-moving drugs. Among them, those with strong qi-moving power are also called qi-breaking medicines.

This type of medicine has a bitter, warm and aromatic nature and flavor, and is mainly directed to the spleen, stomach, liver and lung meridians. The pungent fragrance can be dispersed, the taste is bitter and can be relieved, and the warmth can be circulated, so it has the effect of regulating the qi mechanism, and can achieve the effects of relieving pain, dispersing stagnation, and reducing indigestion by regulating the qi mechanism. It is mainly used to treat qi stagnation and qi inversion caused by qi imbalance. Due to the different action sites and characteristics, they have the effects of regulating qi and invigorating the spleen, soothing the liver and relieving stagnation, regulating qi and widening the chest, promoting qi and relieving pain, breaking qi and dispelling stagnation, reducing adverse flow and relieving vomiting. It is respectively suitable for the treatment of abdominal distension and pain, belching and acid regurgitation, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation caused by stagnation of spleen and stomach Qi; distending pain in hypochondrium and ribs caused by stagnation of liver qi, depression, hernia pain, breast distending pain, irregular menstruation, etc. ; Chest tightness, chest pain, coughing and asthma caused by stagnation of lung qi.

This type of medicine is pungent, warm, fragrant and dry, and can easily consume qi and damage yin, so those with insufficient qi and yin should use it with caution.


It was first recorded in "Bielu of Famous Doctors".

This product is the resin-containing wood of the Thymeaceae plant Agaricus leucophylla. Gas aroma, bitter taste. The ones with more resin, strong aroma and bitter taste are better. raw use.

[Properties] Pungent, bitter, slightly warm. Return spleen, stomach, kidney channel.

[Efficacy] Promotes qi and relieves pain, warms and stops vomiting, relieves qi and relieves asthma.


1. Cold qi stagnation, distension and pain in the chest and abdomen

This product has a pungent aroma, is warm in nature and dispels cold, and is good at promoting qi, dispersing cold and relieving pain. Cold and qi stagnation causes chest and abdominal distension and pain; spleen and stomach deficiency and coldness, epigastric and abdominal cold and pain.

2. Stomach cold vomiting hiccups

This product is pungent and warm, dispersing cold, bitter in taste and heavy in quality. It can warm the body, lower qi and stop vomiting. Treat cold evil in the stomach and vomiting of water; deficiency of the spleen and stomach, vomiting and hiccups that do not heal for a long time.

3. Breathing due to kidney deficiency

This product can warm the kidneys, absorb qi and relieve asthma, and is often used to treat asthma due to kidney deficiency and qi inversion. Treat the symptoms of asthma caused by deficiency and coldness of the lower Yuan and inability of the kidneys to absorb Qi; and asthma and cough caused by excessive accumulation of phlegm and accumulation of phlegm in the lower part.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction and take, 1~5g, then drink.

[Usage Precautions] This product is pungent and warm to help heat. Use with caution in those with yin deficiency and excessive fire.
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