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9 major signs of high blood sugar

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

9 major signs of high blood sugar
Some patients with diabetes have delayed disease because they do not have the typical symptoms of "three more and one less". Therefore, you may not know whether your blood sugar is high or not, but your body has already given you a hint!

Sign 1 of high blood sugar in diabetics: Mouth - thirsty

Many people know that polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria and weight loss are the three symptoms of diabetes. However, these are only typical and late manifestations of hyperglycemia. Generally, they only start with polyuria and extreme thirst. When the water in the body is reduced, When the total amount is reduced by 1~2%, it can cause the thirst center of the brain to be excited and want to drink, resulting in the physiological phenomenon of extreme thirst.

Sign 2 of high blood sugar in diabetics: Eyes-vision changes

You may often read that blurred vision is a symptom of diabetes, but in fact, your vision may get better or worse. Some people with diabetes experience improved vision when their blood sugar levels rise. But when they started treatment for diabetes, their vision declined again. Because high blood sugar causes fluid levels to change, your eyes are also affected, which can lead to unstable vision.

Sign 3 of high blood sugar in diabetics: Ears - hearing loss

As we age, our hearing decreases. But if you find that, suddenly, you turn up the volume on the TV or you can't hear clearly someone else's words without repeating them several times, then you may need a blood sugar test.

Sign 4 of high blood sugar in diabetics: weight loss gradually

This should be a good sign for many people who advocate weight loss.

However, from a health perspective, when this phenomenon suddenly occurs, people should be alert. It is a warning signal sent by the body to us, indicating that our physical condition is already in an abnormal state.

Therefore, some experts say that if you continue to lose weight while eating a normal diet, you are most likely to have diabetes.

Because the blood sugar level in diabetic patients has been on an upward trend, in this state, no matter how much food the patient consumes, it will not be absorbed by the diabetic patient's body. The body can only decompose the energy stored in the body, which ultimately leads to The patient's weight is getting lower and lower.

Sign 5 of high blood sugar in diabetics: Platelet coagulants can reduce

According to a research institution, high sugar levels in diabetic patients can affect blood circulation.

Therefore, if a diabetic patient has a wound on his body, the healing speed of the wound will be slower than that of a normal person. For this reason, if a wound is difficult to heal, you should go to the hospital in time to check whether you are suffering from the disease. Diabetes, so as not to affect the condition due to carelessness.

Sign 6 of high blood sugar in diabetics: Always feeling hungry

Diabetic patients will have a very strong feeling of fasting, which is also the most typical symptom in the early stage of diabetes. They have obviously eaten a lot just now, but in the blink of an eye they feel very hungry. The reason for this phenomenon is that the patient's body The insulin is disrupted, affecting other functions and organs of the body.

Sign 7 of high blood sugar in diabetics: Frequent urination

There are many diseases that can cause frequent urination, and diabetes is one of them. Therefore, when a person suddenly urinates more frequently at night, he or she should pay attention to whether he or she has developed diabetes.

Sign 8 of high blood sugar in diabetics: skin - itching

When the skin of the body often experiences unexplained itching, especially in the elderly, in addition to considering senile skin itching, the possibility of diabetes cannot be ruled out. Because high blood sugar will stimulate the capillaries on the skin surface and cause a series of lesions on the skin surface. Itching is the earliest manifestation, so blood sugar should be checked in time.

Sign 9 of high blood sugar in diabetics: Heart - rapid heartbeat

Even without strenuous exercise, you may feel that your heartbeat is significantly faster than before and you may have difficulty breathing. This is a sign of elevated blood sugar.

What are some simple and effective ways for diabetics to treat high blood sugar?

1. Increase activity level

People with type 2 diabetes generally gain better blood sugar control by exercising more. Even simple exercises, such as walking for 20 minutes a day, can effectively improve insulin resistance and reduce weight as long as you persist. Studies have confirmed that through reasonable exercise, diabetic patients can indeed reduce the dosage of anti-diabetic drugs, and can even completely wean themselves off drug treatment.

2. Don’t cook “coarse” grain carefully.

Controlling how finely the grain is ground is critical. Take bread as an example. White bread has a GI of 70, but bread mixed with 75% to 80% barley grains has a GI of 34. Therefore, it is recommended to use coarse grains instead of refined grains.

3. Change breakfast to "thick" breakfast

Because the porridge is heated for a long time, starch is easily converted into dextrin and then easily decomposed into glucose. At the same time, porridge is in a semi-fluid state, and the gastric emptying time after eating is relatively short, so eating porridge is more likely to increase postprandial blood sugar than eating staple food. Therefore, it is best not to just drink porridge for breakfast, but to eat some "thick" food, and stick to staple food.

4. Rational use of medicines

For the treatment of diabetes, you need to find a specialist endocrinologist to prescribe medicine based on the test results, and you also need to find a professional nutritionist for treatment. After the onset of diabetes, you can use diet and exercise to control blood sugar under the joint guidance of a doctor and a nutritionist. If diet and exercise are still Although it cannot lower blood sugar, drugs can indeed treat high blood sugar faster and more effectively. Try to reduce the amount of anti-diabetic drugs you use, or even completely discontinue medication. Adjust medication (increase the dosage, increase the frequency of taking the medication, or add another antidiabetic drug).

5. Self-relaxation and emotional regulation relaxation exercises

For example, deep breathing, relaxing muscles with relaxing and soothing music, etc. can help relieve stress and make anti-diabetic treatment more effective. Learn to regulate emotions and enhance self-efficacy (people's subjective judgment of whether they can successfully perform a certain behavior), thereby overcoming fear, negativity and other negative attitudes after illness, which will also help control blood sugar.

6. Actively treat other diseases (such as colds, infections, etc.)

Problems such as colds and infections will cause an increase in adrenaline in the body, which will lead to an increase in blood sugar.

7. Increase intake of sugar-free liquids

Dehydration can also cause blood sugar to rise. People (whether they have diabetes or not) should consume about 2 to 3 liters of sugar-free liquids (water, drinks, soups, etc.) every day. When blood sugar rises, drinking water can not only dilute blood sugar but also avoid excessive food intake. Patients with heart disease or kidney complications need to appropriately limit fluid intake and should consult a doctor or nutritionist for specific details. The most important strategy for hyperglycemia is prevention. This can generally be accomplished with good self-monitoring of blood glucose.

After developing diabetes, these seven types of people should strengthen blood sugar monitoring:

1. Those who have just started to use insulin treatment, especially those who wear an insulin pump;

2. Newly diagnosed diabetic patients;

3. Those with poor blood sugar control;

4. Those who often suffer from hypoglycemia;

5. The medicine has just been changed or the dose has been adjusted;

6. Pregnant women;

7. People with diabetes who are under special circumstances such as illness, surgery, going out, excitement, etc. 

In fact, the body is a wonderful organic whole. Blood sugar has a stable value in the body. When the blood sugar value exceeds this normal range, some subtle reactions will occur in the body. In addition to paying attention to the small details of the body, you must also learn to use scientific monitoring as a basis. In addition, in order to prevent complications, you must also strengthen the monitoring of blood lipids and blood pressure.
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