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10 Symptoms of Early Diabetes

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

The vast majority of people will go through the early stages of diabetes for some time before being diagnosed with diabetes. This refers mainly to type II diabetes. The high-risk stage of diabetes, also known as pre-diabetes, is mainly impaired glucose tolerance, and the symptoms are usually not obvious during this time, and can easily be ignored by patients.

If your body has more than one of the following symptoms, you must be alert to the possibility of diabetes and go to the hospital for examination earlier!

1 . Sudden vision loss
If you experience a sudden loss of vision and blurred vision that lasts for a long period of time, you should be alert to the possibility of type II diabetes.

This is because long-term high blood glucose will lead to changes in blood vessels and blood, resulting in retinal haemorrhage, oedema, ischaemia, and even neovascularisation, which will further aggravate fundus haemorrhage, resulting in vitreous haemorrhage, retinal detachment, macular oedema or optic nerve ischaemia, and ultimately leading to a serious loss of vision or even blindness.

2 . Dry and itchy skin
This kind of dry skin is not the same as the dehydrated and dry skin in autumn and winter seasons. It is difficult to completely alleviate the problem of dry skin in pre-diabetes even if you apply body lotion and other moisturising products, at this time, you need to consider the impact of blood sugar.

Diabetic itchy parts are usually concentrated in the hands and feet and calves, and women will often appear vulvar itching.

3. Nerve sensation abnormality
If the limbs from time to time feel numbness, pain, burning, pins and needles or ants, etc., indicating that the peripheral nerves are undergoing lesions, these sensory abnormalities of the limbs, usually symmetrical, near the hands and feet of the parts more obvious.

Foot paralysis or pain many people will not be very concerned about, simply thought it was caused by walking too much, thought more rest will be better. But in some cases, foot paralysis is also one of the early symptoms of diabetes. Diabetic nerve damage develops from the bottom up, and foot symptoms are the earliest sign.

4 . Dry throat
Dry throat, how to drink water can not be relieved, drink water constantly, run to the bathroom more often. This will form a vicious circle, leading to the body is always in a dry state of dehydration, but also make it difficult to sit still. Once this happens, be alert to the possibility of diabetes, thirst and drinking is one of the important early symptoms of diabetes.

5 . Increased frequency of nocturia
Polyuria is one of the symptoms of diabetes, the blood sugar value in the body is increased, the body will be sensitive to get the information and automatically eliminate it, resulting in an increase in the number of urination. Therefore, people with frequent urination at night and increased nocturia should not ignore this signal, which is also an early symptom of diabetes.

6 . Eating a lot but easily hungry
Obviously just finished eating, it did not take long to feel hungry, eat many meals a day, but the feeling of hunger is still particularly strong. This is due to the malfunction of insulin in the body, resulting in low function of fat, muscle and other tissues and organs. Among them, the pancreas, which plays a key role, secretes too much insulin, which then prompts the brain to produce a feeling of fasting, which is one of the early symptoms of diabetes.

7 . Wounds do not heal for a long time
Diabetic patients generally have peripheral vascular disease, so the blood supply of the tissues around the wound will be affected; and diabetic patients with poor immune function, coupled with high blood sugar is conducive to the growth of pathogenic bacteria, often leading to urinary tract infections, skin infections and vaginal inflammation, etc., and it is difficult to heal for a long time.

8. Sleepy meal
Most people may have "meal sleepiness", but generally not particularly serious, but if they are much more than other people's "meal sleepiness" obvious, you may need to be careful!

In addition, people who are prone to hypoglycaemia or who occasionally experience hunger pangs without eating in a timely manner are also recommended to have their blood glucose tested.

9. Continuous fatigue and weakness
Many people usually have this situation, most of them will be considered a sign of sub-health. Early symptoms of diabetes can also be fatigue, because when insulin secretion is too low, it is easy to cut off the body's energy supply, causing a sense of fatigue. But this is a non-specific symptom, in addition to diabetes, hypothyroidism, anaemia, can have this performance.

10. Oral lesions
"Oral disease is known as the sixth major complication of diabetes. Compared with the general population, diabetic patients are more likely to have periodontitis, gum recession, loose teeth and loss, oral mucosal infections (especially mycobacterial infections), dental caries and other oral diseases, all of which are associated with long-term high blood sugar leading to vascular lesions, decreased immunity, secondary infections and so on.

These types of people belong to the high-risk group of diabetes, must go to the hospital regularly to do a good screening physical examination. ↓↓↓

diabetes in the immediate family
When a parent or sibling has diabetes, the risk is three times that of the general population; if both parents have type 2 diabetes, the risk is six times that of the general population.

People aged 40+
After middle age, insulin receptors begin to age, making them susceptible to insulin resistance. Data shows that the prevalence of diabetes increases by 68% for every 10 years of age.

Improper dietary habits
Eat more staple food than food, mainly white rice, steamed bread, bread and other fine pasta, never eat miscellaneous food.

Cooking heavy oil and salt, prefer sweets, drinks and so on.

Women with a history of gestational diabetes in pregnancy, or a history of delivering a large (≥4kg) baby
These people are potentially at risk of developing diabetes and should go for regular check-ups.

Overweight, obese or have a lot of fat around the waist
A body mass index (BMI) ≥24kg/m2 is considered overweight, and a BMI ≥28kg/m2 is considered obese.

People with [waist circumference ≥90cm for men and ≥85cm for women] need to be aware of diabetes prevention.

These obese people generally have insulin receptor insensitivity and heavy pancreatic burden.

In addition, if you are not overweight, but your limbs are flabby and you look fatter than people of the same weight, you also need to take precautions.

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, other diseases, such as high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, have the risk of triggering diabetes, so you must pay attention to be vigilant!

Apart from being hereditary in nature, diabetes is mostly caused by poor lifestyle and eating habits. Adhering to a healthy lifestyle is the most effective medicine to prevent diabetes and other diseases!
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