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10 Life-Saving Tips to Control Diabetes

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

10 Life-Saving Tips to Control Diabetes
It is estimated that 190 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, and two-thirds of them fail to control their blood sugar, leading to complications such as cardiovascular, retinal, and kidney diseases. The huge medical expenses and social costs have become serious problems in many countries. public health issues; experts call out that the current conservative and gradual diabetes management methods urgently need to adopt more active and intensive strategies to reduce its threat to human beings. (The fact that so many people get diabetes is related to western medicine. Type 1 diabetes is a sequela caused by vaccination, and type 2 diabetes can also be said to be created by western medicine. This paragraph says that problems caused by poor blood sugar control , in fact, it is all because of the side effects of western medicine that the patient takes to control blood sugar. If you don’t use western medicine, there will be no such problems at all.)
The "Global Alliance for Effective Diabetes Management" composed of 18 experts from nine countries, after a year of careful discussions, has formulated ten practical steps to help better blood sugar control, which will be published in the November issue of "International Clinical Practice "Journal", and before the official publication, the alliance held a media summit in London to announce its detailed content (see Table 1). (This is an alliance formed by a group of physicians who have never cured diabetes, so they only represent physicians who cannot cure diabetes, not Chinese medicine.)
Stefano Del Prato, a member of the alliance and a professor of medicine at the University of Pisa in Italy, said that there are many diabetes treatment guidelines in the medical field, but the content is often different, not clear enough, and even the attitude is too conservative, lacking communication with patients, and not paying enough attention to its pathological causes. lead to inappropriate prescriptions; therefore, the ten steps set out by the alliance are not new treatment guidelines, but practical recommendations to help disease control. (This person is talking nonsense. Western medicine has no treatment guidelines at all, only control guidelines. If readers don’t believe it, go ask your western doctor and see what he says.)
Looking at these ten steps, active and early intervention is the core principle. For example, the monitoring of "glycosylated hemoglobin" has been recognized by the medical community as the best indicator of blood sugar control, but the ideal standard varies from country to country. For example, the American Diabetes Association, Canada, Australia and Taiwan all use less than 7% as the standard, but More and more groups suggest raising the standard. For example, the standard of the International Diabetes Society and the American Society of Clinical Endocrinology is 6.5%, and the alliance also takes this as the standard. (Here also explains how to control the principle, but the above paragraph says it is the treatment principle. They don't know what they are doing. Let me rename them. Their organization is also called: The Association of Physicians Who Can't Heal Diabetes. So it can really heal Physicians with diabetes are not allowed to join. Therefore, there are no Chinese medicine practitioners.)
James LaSalle, ambassador of the American Board of Osteopathic Family Physicians, pointed out that studies have confirmed that for every 1% reduction in glycated hemoglobin, diabetes-related mortality will be reduced by 20%, microvascular complications (such as kidney and retina) will be reduced by 37%, and cardiovascular complications can also be reduced. The reduction is 14%, and the standard for normal people is between 5% and 6%. 6.5% is too high, let alone 7%. (It will cause hyperglycated hemoglobin, which is caused by the abuse of antibiotics, but this person does not say it, but jumps and talks out of context. This is the usual method of Western medicine.)
He believes that conservative thinking holds that if the standard is set high, patients will be easily frustrated and give up if they fail to meet it, so they compromise and lower the standard; however, medical treatment should consider the best interests of the patient, the standard is high, and the medical profession should try to assist the patient How can we shrink back together with the patient? (This kind of standard is where Western pharmaceutical companies create profits. The higher the standard is, the more medicines will be sold. This kind of standard is not beneficial to patients at all, and the reaction kills patients. Readers remember that when it is beneficial to Western pharmaceutical companies, it is Harmful to patients, and behind them are hidden western pharmaceutical factories.)
In addition, the alliance suggests that HbA1c should be measured at least once every three months as a basis for adjusting treatment, and the ideal target (less than 6.5%) should be achieved within six months, because the longer the high blood sugar is delayed, the more difficult it is to control , so once the three-month treatment is not ideal, comprehensive drug therapy should be considered. (The longer diabetes is controlled by Western medicine, the more difficult it is for Chinese medicine to treat it. The more Western medicine you take, the more severe it will be with Chinese medicine. In the later stage, the patients controlled by Western medicine can no longer be controlled at all, so everyone is Mr. Chiang Ching-kuo. two.)
Bernard Zinman, a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada, said that traditional diabetes care adopts a "gradual" approach, starting with diet and exercise control, and then using a single drug when the effect is not obvious. After a period of time when the effect is not good, other drugs are added; It takes an average of 14 to 21 months to switch from single-agent therapy to combination drug therapy, and whether this is beneficial for disease control has been increasingly questioned. (Because Western medicine factories are not really treating at all, they are just controlling, so even Western medicine doctors who use Western medicine have begun to doubt it.)
In fact, early and intensive comprehensive drug treatment has been proven to help diabetics reach the target blood sugar level (the effect is about twice that of single-dose therapy), and its eye lesions can be reduced by 21%, and early kidney damage can be reduced by 33%; In particular, for those with high glycated hemoglobin (above 9%) at the time of initial diagnosis, not only comprehensive therapy should be intervened as soon as possible, but insulin should be injected immediately when necessary, instead of waiting until the drug is ineffective before using this last magic weapon. (This last magic weapon is actually a magic weapon that causes the patient to die slowly. It is really harmful!)
Experts emphasize that in order to achieve the above principles, it is not enough for doctors to provide health education in outpatient clinics or hand out manuals and leaflets; "People are lazy," Rowan Hilson, a consultant physician at the Diabetes Center of Hillingdon Hospital in London, put it bluntly. Everyone knows diabetes The most important thing to control is diet and exercise, supplemented by drugs, but the weakness of human nature makes it difficult for patients to follow the doctor's advice and achieve their ideal goals. (Only this part of the whole article is correct. We must exercise, because we are human beings and a kind of animal.)
To overcome the weakness of human nature, we cannot rely solely on patients or doctors, but need to form an interdisciplinary care team with patients, specialist doctors, family doctors, nurses, nutritionists, etc., fully communicate, take the patient as the center, understand their thoughts, To meet the needs and difficulties, find the most appropriate treatment together, and make the control of diabetes a joint responsibility of patients and medical teams. Only in this way, the battle between humans and diabetes will have a day of victory. (It is finally admitted here that Western medicine is only controlling. If it can only be controlled, it is impossible to blow the horn of victory. This day will not come. Only Chinese medicine can overcome diabetes.)
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