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1.2 people die of diabetes every hour in Taiwan

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

1.2 people die of diabetes every hour in Taiwan
The death rate of diabetes in Taiwan is on the rise. According to statistics, the total number of deaths from diabetes last year exceeded tens of thousands. Fastest top ten causes of death. Doctors reminded that modern people's high-calorie eating habits and less exercise are the main reasons. (This is only half correct. The so-called type 2 diabetes in western medicine is indeed obtained in this way, while type 1 diabetes is produced by western medicine factories, because it is the lifelong damage caused by the patient's incompatibility with the vaccine.)
The Diabetes Health Association of the Republic of China held the "10th Anniversary Annual Conference and Academic Seminar" in the morning. Xu Huiya, director of the Diabetes Health Education Association, said that the death rate from diabetes increased by 13.8% last year, and the rate of increase even surpassed the top three causes of death from malignant tumors, cerebrovascular diseases and heart diseases. (This data has proved that the current medicine is wrong, if it is right, why the data is so, and the current medicine is Western medicine, so Western medicine is wrong medicine.)
According to statistics from the Department of Health, the total number of deaths from diabetes in Taiwan in 2005 was 10,501, with an average of 28.7 deaths per day and 1.2 deaths per hour. The number of people with diabetes has reached 800,000, and the cost of medical treatment has exceeded NT$30 billion, accounting for more than 10% of health care expenditures. (This public company run by the worst Western medicine has admitted that Western medicine is harmful without knowing it, and seems to be very proud of it. It is so stupid, no wonder it believes in Western medicine.)
Xu Huijun said that this is only an underestimated number. If other patients who died of diabetes complications are added, the number may be even higher, especially ten years after the diagnosis of diabetes, the prevalence rate of retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy is as high as 30%. Take kidney dialysis as an example. Of the 40,000 patients currently undergoing kidney dialysis in Taiwan, 15,000 to 20,000 are diabetic patients. (Readers have seen it, I have been saying that western medicine factories are harming people. The figures here have proved me to be right, but does your Department of Health know? The answer is of course not. Once they admit that they are wrong, how will they be corrected? The people will explain. All the diseases in this paragraph are the sequelae caused by the use of western medicine to control blood sugar. Originally, diabetes would not have these problems.)
Although the prevalence of diabetes in Taiwan is still the highest among people over the age of 40, about 11% to 13%, Xu Huiyi said that there are many cases of diabetes among young people. He himself treated a ten-year-old boy A boy in the fifth grade suffers from type 2 diabetes due to obesity and a family history at a young age, and must take medication for lifelong control. (The main reason why these children get diabetes is that they like to eat fast food, plus they like to play electronic toys and are unwilling to exercise. It has nothing to do with family history.)
The little boy is 165 centimeters tall but weighs 75 kilograms. He usually eats high-calorie foods such as fried chicken, French fries, and hamburgers. He also likes to drink sweet drinks instead of boiling water. Computer, because of the increased frequency of urination at night and abnormal weight loss, I went to the doctor. After a blood sugar test, I found that the blood sugar level per 100 cc of blood was as high as 280 mg, far exceeding the average of 100 mg for the average person. (My words are still lingering, and the correct answer has already appeared.)
Xu Hui said that about three-quarters of diabetic patients have poor control results. The main reason is that personal living and eating habits cannot cooperate. He appealed that in order to effectively control diabetes and prevent it from getting worse, the three indispensable magic weapons are diet control, Exercise regularly and take medication on time. (The ending of this paragraph is incorrect. The correct answer should be to find Chinese medicine for treatment. At present, only Chinese medicine can treat diabetes in the world.)
The above report has clearly told readers that when you get diabetes, you go to a Western doctor for eye problems, nerve problems, and kidney dialysis. Physicians at National Taiwan University Hospital like to tell patients that taking Chinese medicine will cause kidney failure , but now the western doctor admits that the kidney dialysis is caused by the western medicine to control blood sugar, so readers must not believe what the doctor of National Taiwan University said. What the doctor said.
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